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Okay, there are so many different types of teacher and most of them bug the shit out of me. The worst one is the Bipolar one for me.

The Bipolar Teacher:

Okay so once I was late to class because I had been to my schools SSM and I walked into my class and my teacher was like.

"Why are you late?" Then as soon as I opened my mouth to speak they go. "No excuse!" And send me to my seat. I started to walk to where I was meant to be sitting and they were like. "I'm waiting for you to answer me," The whole class was laughing. I told her where I was and she said. "I said I didn't want and excuse," It was a major What The Actual Fuck moment.

If you have Bipolar teachers, I feel so bad for you as they clearly shouldn't be aloud to teach.

The Useless Teacher:

So I have the old science teacher and he couldn't teacher. Our lessons was mainly spent of him standing in front of a bored putting on minutes. And this is in 7th grade (I think basically year 8). He is no longer actually aloud to teach us but he sucked. Anything we was ment to know we didn't. I am know in the top science as i got moved up when he got removed from teaching and my new science teacher asks me a question and I will sit there like a brick trying to figure out the answer.

The fun teacher:

There is actually a few good teachers, like at my school most of the teachers have this thing where no you can't listen to music in lessons, we don't care if there bugging you and it will make your work better!But there is like 2 teachers that I have who actually let us have ear phones in, there's the music teachers and one of them is often used as a sub in other classes and he lets us listen to music and he sometimes puts on one direction piss takes on the main bored for the whole class to see.

The second teacher if you ask him he says he can't say we can listen to it then walks away and lets you put them in. It was really funny because I asked him and he gave me this really complicated speech which was basically him saying yes and I had him as a teacher the next day so I put in my earphones and this really bitchy girl kept telling on me and everything but I never got in trouble c:

There is so many other types o teachers but I can't really think.

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