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So this is a subject I touched lightly in my last rant but I think it need's is own chapter so yeah.

Another terrible lablel is slut, NEVER call anyone a slut. A deffintion of a slut would be someone who has frequent sexually activity with multipul people weekly. If someone fancies a boy/girl and people know about it, they are NOT sluts.

A lot of people would dissagree that this is a bad label but I can garentee you it is one of the worst, especially in my point of view.

If a girl gets raped and becomes pregnant that does NOT make her a slut, no matter what she does with the baby she is not a slut.

If a girl has sex with like 10 people in one week, becomes pregnant and dosen't know who the father is and keeps the childed she IS most likely a slut.

The word slut gets thrown around alot, and it sticks with people just use it approatly please.

Having a boyfriend doesn't make you a slut, if you have been that relationship for a few months and you kiss you're not a slut. Kissing after a couple of weeks doesn't make you a slut. Honestly neither does tonguing after a couple of minutes of dating but that would just be distubing and maybe wrong.

Stop throwing around words that effect people in so many ways. People should be able to have the right of doing what they want without having to worry about what you're gonna call them. Some things really can't be helped and the people really don't need your bullshit.

Calling people names is wrong anyway, there is so many words people call each other, fat, ugly, stupid. All of them you can change, if you are fat, exersice go on a diet, no-one is ugly and if you feel you are just wear make-up. Stupid, people are smarter then they seem, and if they are stupid and it bothers them they can study. It's really simple

Okay this rant it over, watch the video on the side to see how the word slut has effected one of my favourite YouTubers life. (Marina Joyce) Please stop using the word slut if not for me or other people, please do it for Marina she doesn't deserve her label, and without her this world would be terrible, she has had such a possivie effect on many people, me included and I love her for it. She's far from a slut, and if I hear you call her a slut I may stab you.

INFO: Watch Marina Joyce's videos, they make everything so much happier. There are really good and really funny!!! Also I would like to say that Marina called me a sweetheart and said she loved me on the March 6th 2014

List of amazing YouTubers on my profile

I will admit I have called people sluts before; but tbf they kinda are

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2014 ⏰

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