Cliques And Labels

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I know not many schools have cliques especially in the UK but they still really annoy me. I know they do make a good book plot in a FEW cases but sometimes they aren't necessary. If the book is based around cliques then fine, but no high school really needs cliques like Geek, Cheerleaders, Goths, Loners, Anti-socials, Jocks and emo's if the book is based on a love triangle based between a jock, cheerleader and geek or a emo, jock and an anti-social.

Labels, people get labels and they don't actually need them. I get people label themselves like call themselves Emo's or Geeks that great because it's up to them to decide what they are if they want to be something.

I currently have the label 'emo' it doens't bother me that much because you know what some of my awesome and close friends are Emo/Scene, I have the qualities of them yeah so I'm not really fussed about other fuckers opinon on me.

Imagine you have black hair, like a few emo bands like All Time Low, Sleeping With Sirens, Blood On The Dance Floor and Falling In Reverse along with One Direction, Justin Bieber and Taylor Swift.

You're friends with people who love One Direction and The Wanted but yuo date someoen with really cool floppy hair. You get labled Emo and hate it but it sticks for ages, so you go changing everything about you not to be 'Emo' but it doesn't work.

You really wouldn't like that would you, think about weather or not people actually want the labels you give out.

(That description above is not me, I hate JB, 1D, BOTDF. And my life isn't really based on a label).

I get the labels in book that's fine as it's not a real person with a real life or real feelings.

Then there's the label geek, geek can actually effect people more then you think. Jusr because someone is smart or may enjoy school doesn't make them a geek. I can be smart but I am not a geek, I got a merit badge in my ICT lesson for being one for the first to finish everything correctly and I am not a geek.

People who get called geeks may have a terrible background. They could not get any praise or appreciation at home and the only time they get positive comments from family is doing extremely well at school.

Fat, ugly they are horrible names and lables.

No-one male or female should be called any names as they give out huge impacts. If you was slightly chubby, fat, or just skinny and got called fat you wouldn't like it and it could have a huge impact on you like starvation, bulimia it can also lead to anorexia.

I shall be making a complete chapter about the word slut as I find it important.

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