Day 1

37 1 0

#1 The meaning behind your name. What would your name be if you were the opposite sex?

Ugh... My name is Elisabeth, I wish it were a little more original than that though... But in a way I have two names. Elisabeth and Beth... Well....  Three names, Elisabeth, Beth, and Anne.

My mom wanted to name me after four of her favorite hero's from when she was growing up. Elisabeth just like Queen Elizabeth of England, though she spells it with an S so my name is more original. Beth as in Beth from the movie Little Woman, who's real name was Elizabeth but everyone called her Beth. My mom told me she's so happy I grew up like Beth, the main character in the movie, with a kind heart. I love the thought of what lurks behind my name but I HATE being called Beth for some reason...

Lastly, Anne. The e at the end is silent so it's not the same as Annie but Ann instead. Anne is my middle name but I'm not the only one who has it. Anne is my grandmother's middle name to. My mom's mom. I was also given the name Anne because I was named after Anne Green Gables, which is where my mom got the spelling. I've been named after a total of 4 people ^_^

These are what my names mean.

Elisabeth- "Devoted to God".
Beth- It's Hebrew for "House".
Anne- "Favour, Grace, Prayer, God has favoured me".

Wow I sound religious....

Also my last name, Cushway, my Aunt Sarah told me that in French it translates to "The beautiful people" which made me really happy :3

As for my nicknames,

Lizzie: Just a play on my name really but I hated being called Lizzy McQuire, so I changed the spelling to end with ie rather than y to keep me from remembering that nightmare.

Chan: Added to both Lizzie and Cali. It means cute but it's also for people who are younger than you. But we all know I'm freaking adorable >;3

Calienia: I heard that name from Aurthor and the minimites! A really good movie! But I didn't know how to spell the name so I used my own way of spelling to make it more unique. The name actually means "Moon" which I think is kinda cool. The pronounciation is (Suh*Lane*E*uh).

Cali: Weeeell most people didn't exactly know how to say my name "Calienia" XD so people shortened it to "Cali" of course even though the pronounciation up there ^^^ is what it is, doesn't mean that the pronounciation for this nickname is "Sally" it's (Cc*AL*E). I don't really like the name Sally for Calienia because it reminds me of "She sells sea shells by the sea shore" No. Just no XD

Lizard: Yes, Lizard. When I was little I stuck my tongue out ALL the time as a baby and my brother said. "She sticks her tongue out like a lizard!" And that's how I got that nick name.

Lazlo: Don't ask me why XD My brother just started calling me that to give me some kind of nick name.

Wizard: My sister says Lizard in a baby voice at times and calls me Wizard.

So about my opposite sex name. I asked my mom since she gave me my girl name, it's only fair she gave me my boy name, so my gender bender name is Connor. My mom's hero from the movie Highlander. She said she favoured the Scottish to.

Connor means: Strong willed or wise 'hound-lover' also 'Coachuhhar', meaning high desire.

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