Day 5

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#5 5 things that irritate you of the same gender (or opposite).

Oh man... Usually I'd say don't get me started but... I'M GETTING STARTED!!!!

1. Teen pregnancy. You whores gotta have more self control! Your just gonna avoid your school and family problems by getting pregnant??? Greeeaaaat idea~ NOT! My friend asked if I'm possitive when I said I wasn't a boy and I said yes. Then she joked and called me pregnant.

Her friend turned around with the biggest grin on her face and gasped, asking if I was really pregnant. I yelled "FUCK NO!" and she just dropped her smile and said boredly, "Oh." and turned back around to continue walking. WHAT THE FUCK?!

I plan on being a part of the rare few girls who actually graduate high school without getting pregnant and don't have to start their adult life immediately! Plus you expect your family to take care of your stupid child while your out with friends talking about being a mommy?

Your child is gonna grow up being one of those poor kids because you don't have the education to get a real fucking job to pay for school supplies, good lunches, or to go to camp even! Don't think of yourself when you decide to have a baby. Think of the BABY. Also you always end up crying and asking yourself why your bf/fiance/future husband left you. HELLOOOO~! He's a teen to! He's not ready to become a father! He's still immature and wants to goof off with friends!

If you wanna have a baby, get your own house. A HOUSE not your parents basement, not an apartment, not a friend's house. Your. Own. Fucking. House. Make sure it's suitable for a child to live in. Also have a good paying job! It's because of idiot teens like you that teens like me suffer! If I said I was pregnant jokingly every one at school would take it seriously! Even doctors ask if I'm pregnant when I come in sick!

Apparently it's recommended THIRTEEN AND UP! You idiot 13 year old's should NOT be allowed to have a baby. Your still a baby yourself! GET A FUCKING LIFE! And as for your little group of friends supporting you and your baby? They support you because their worried about where your life is going. They don't want to see their friend fall into debt, their parents kick them out, or their boyfriend leaving you. They stick by you because they care about you and the safety of your child. They're not happy for you, they're worried about you.

If not then they just want to see your baby because they want to get one of their own. If they're not worried, they're by you for selfish reasons.

And shame on your parents for not forcing you to get rid of the child if your as young as 13 and aare pregnant. You what, just got your period? Disgusting. Your going to hurt yourself at child birth and possibly not even survive because your body isn't big enough to carry a baby. And if you think you can go on a diet when your pregnant, you should be in fucking jail for starving a new life that hasn't even been born into our world yet.

2. Whores. Apparently if a girl sleeps with a guy, even once when she thought it was out of love and compassion but the guy ends up dumping her after, she's labeled a whore. Why? It's not the girl's fault that she thought she had found her true love and he was just playing her! If your wondering why I'm defending this and not the first thing I was talking about, sex is one thing. A baby is another. If you use protection I think it's fine.

But no girl should have to waste a sacred precious moment just to be called a whore in the end. It could ruin a girl's reputation and no one would look at her the same way again! It's because of actual whores that no one can really see a difference anymore. And why are girls called whores but no matter how much a guy has sex he's not even close to one! So sexist..

3. Periods. Why do teachers only give us five minutes to go to the bathroom?? It takes like 2-3 just to get to the damn toilet! And we don't just go to the bathroom but we have a mess to clean up and a pad to change! I remember when I came back to French class after using the bathroom and the kids thought I was skipping class because I took 10 minutes. It was mostly the guys though. But guys, if a woman is taking a long time in the bathroom, don't assume she's taking a dump or fixing her make up.

She's most likely cleaning herself up so she doesn't have to feel like she's walking around in a wet dipper. It's gross to have that feeling! I hate how we have to go through this every month but it's what allows us to have kids when we get OLDER. Also if your fighting with a girl NEVER hit her in her private parts, even the boob. Or you will see the worlds angriest demon alive. And yes, a period IS an excuse.

A lady once stabbed a man then when she went to court she proved she was on her period and she got out of jail for it. Women are completely different beings when their cycle starts. We CAN and WILL cry easily but we also CAN and WILL attack you if you piss us off during this cycle. It's not pretty..

4. Weak. Women are NOT weak. Maybe they used to be during old times when they weren't allowed to hunt or fight. But we're EQUAL now. We have women fire fighters, women soliders, women athletes! Women can beat up men just like men can beat up women. Don't assume we're all weaker than you because we're not!

I hate the stereo typical girl that thinks men can do all the heavy lifting. These girls need their high heels and make up taken away and be placed in boot camp for good measure! Men are NOT people you can have force to carry your heavy bags or do the heavy lifting. They're men, not pack mules! Join a gym you wimp.

5. Women taking men for granted. Men are not women's ATM's, men are not women's play toys, men are not for carrying around shopping bags, men are not for paying the bills, men are not for taking you to fancy places and paying for your expensive food. MEN ARE NOT TO BE TAKEN FOR GRANTED! I hate women who try and use men then dump em. It makes it hard for guys to get back out there and find an actual good girl. It also keeps guys from asking girls out.

Men are to be loved, cared for, complimented. Men are to be of equal rights with women. We should treat them like people like eveyone else. Don't assume men are just to give you what you want when you flash him a seductive look and some cleavage. It makes me sick when girls sell off their bodies to get their own bitchy way! You should respect men the way they should respect women!

I think that's all I have to really say *sighs* it feels nice to get this off my chest.

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