Day 13

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#13 A date you'd love to go on?

Ok so this would be like the perfect date for me. It would be like a day long, with no other plans with other people. Just me and my boyfriend (if I had one that is). He would meet me at my house at like noon or maybe 1:30 or so on a weekend, like Satuday~ It would be a nice warm day in the summer time where I can wear shorts and tank tops with sandals or even bare feet if I chose to.

We would either walk to our destination or ride in his car (since I no have one, but we would walk if he didn't have one.) This is to avoid awkwardly getting a ride from my awkwardly mean grandpa... If we walked, we would listen to my ipod, if we took his car, we would listen to the radio.

We would sing and not care who was watching and have fun with the lyrics and sound of the song. We would go someplace like a park and goof around like kids. Playing tag, sliding down the slides together, play hide-n-seek, and swing on the swings, taking turns pushing each other even cause we'd be goofy like that.

We'd also go on the marry-go-round and try to make it spin as fast as we could. When we got tired we would go get ice cream and eat in the warm sun. We would share funny stories and talk about this and that. Friends, family, pets, likes, dislikes, so on. We wouldn't talk about anything negative to spoil our fun.

Maybe we'd get real food with our ice cream to. When we would be done eating we would walk around and enjoy the scenery of the park, holding hands. Then we'd go to that one place at my park, the cascades I think it's called. We'd climb the stairs and view the pretty lights and the falls while getting soaked. We'd climb to the top and then back down, being drenched.

We would then take spare clothes we would of brought with us to the bathrooms and get changed. After that we would play around a bit more, dancing or playing, something fun until it was getting dark. Then we'd lay on a blanket in the grass and watch the sky.

Going from clouds to stars while cuddling and enjoying the moment. We'd head back to my place and he'd kiss me on the lips before I went inside, along with giving me a single pretty rose he either hid in his car or backpack that held his clothes.

He'd tell me he loves me and I'd tell him the same thing along with saying something like "Your my whole world" or "Your something I'll never regret" or something kind like that. He'd walk me to my door and make sure I'd get inside safely before he left. Either getting a rid from family or friends or take his car home.

I'd spend the rest of the night in complete bliss, thinking of the date and how perfect it was.

It's kind of a silly thought... but I don't like fancy restaurants or public places where I can't feel completely comfortable. This is just a cutesy date where we wouldn't have to worry much about money and could relax and have fun. It's not everyone's kind of date, but I like it.

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