Chapter 2

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Wanted: looking for a stay-in-home female maid to help with the cooking and cleaning and some other things.

With an annual salary of $100,000

If interested please call Perrie Edwards on 0418770816

Fate has a funny way of working. I get fired and then within hours, I might potentially be able to get a new job with double the salary. Maybe today wasn't all that bad.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when the lady at the front counter says next, please. I walk up and see the gorgeous blonde talking to an auburn-haired girl, she looks at me and then whispers something in the girl's ear. The Auburn-haired girl nods her head eagerly and the blonde walks away, but I can still see her and she can still see me. I book one of the cheaper rooms for the week and the lady at the counter gives me my key and room number. I was expecting a room on one of the lower floors but when she says I'm staying on floor 99 room 9800.

I walk to the elevator and see that I'm on the top floor. Why would I be like a floor away from the penthouse? I should be like next door to the public toilets. I get out of the elevator and find my room, I unlock the door and am stunned by the beauty of it. There is a king-sized bed with a gorgeous comforter set in it. Which is facing the full-length window that is overlooking the city.

To my right, a small but gorgeous bathroom is situated and then to my left, there is a small kitchen area. Further, in to the room, a small but spacious lounge room is situated with a large cream leather couch facing a large flatscreen tv. The room is so beautiful. Much prettier than any of the rooms in the Gilmore residence.

I place my bag at the end of the bed and then flip down. My mind wondering to the ad I saw about the maid. It was a strange ad, there was a specified female role and it was very vague, and the salary is high. I decide that I'm going to call about it anyway and that I will go back downstairs to get the number later. Maybe when there are fewer people around.

I lie back onto my bed and close my eyes allowing the warmth of the soft duvet to envelop me. My eyes slowly become heavy and soon I allow sleep to take over my body.

As my surroundings slowly fade out of the black I remember that I need to get the number for miss Edwards. I roll out of the bed and find my shoes throwing them on before walking out of my room. I go to the elevator and push the lobby button.

When the elevator doors open I walk out and see the same small sign. I grab my phone out and take a photo of it before leaving. Well, that's what I tried doing until a certain blond caught my eye. She was talking to a young man, in the same outfit as before except this time her shoulder length blonde hair sat around her back in soft curls.

Her bright blue eyes seemed to be glowing as she was talking to the guy. It was clearly something she was passionate about because the smile on her face was so pure. Slowly she raised her eyes and her electric blue eyes meet my own.

Nobody moves, we both just stand there staring. The smile never leaving her face and a small one coming onto mine. Sadly our intense stare off was interrupted when the man she was previously talking to hit her arm in order to get her attention. She looked away but looked back a second later. I sent her a small smile as I turned away and left.

I smiled to myself the whole way back to my room, just thinking about the beautiful blonde brings a swarm of butterflies into my stomach. I don't even realise that I've made it to my door because I'm too busy thinking about the blonde.

I walk into the room and go back to my bed, it's about 11:30 so I should go to bed and call Miss Edwards in the morning. I don't want to call her too early but I also don't want to call her too late. I need to make a good first impression but I know that's going to be hard.

I decide to order room service before I go to bed because I haven't eaten since I was at the cafe this morning. I get a grilled chicken burger and decide to watch tv whilst I wait.

After about half an hour a knock on my door signals. I mute Rupal's Drag race and walk to the door. I open it and see the young man that was talking to the blonde standing at the door with a trolley. He gives me the tray of food and says a goodnight. I close the door and go sit on the floor so I can use the coffee table as a table. I unmute Rupals drag race and continue watching as I eat my food.

When I've finally finished my burger I turn off the tv and start getting ready for bed. Once my makeup is off and I've brushed my teeth I get into my pyjamas and throw myself into the soft bed. I curl up under the covers and let sleep take over me.

As the annoying sound of my alarm rings throughout my room, I slowly wake up. Let me tell you it's hard to find your phone through a maze of sheets in a really large bed. When I finally located my phone I shut my alarm off and then rolled back over. After like 20 minutes or so I finally had the energy to get out of bed. The first thing I did was call the number for Miss Edwards. The phone rang three times before the most beautiful Geordie accent spoke.
"Good morning, this is Perrie Edwards, may I ask who I'm speaking to?"

"Good morning Miss Edwards, I'm Jade Thirlwall. I saw your sign about getting a maid,"

"Oh yes, would you like to apply?" Her thick Geordie accent sounded so perfect on the phone, I couldn't wait until I could hear it in person.

"Yes please," I say trying not to sound too eager but also trying not to sound not eager enough.

"Alright, are you free either today or tomorrow?"

"Yes I'm free today," I say not allowing too much time for me to stress myself out.

"Good how about we meet once I have finished work today."

"Sure where would you like to meet?"

"How about the Grande Royale?" She suggests

"I'm staying there so that would be perfect."

"Would you mind if we met in your room then, for privacy?" She says, I'm sceptical at first but agree

"Yes, that would be perfect. What time?"

"Does 6:30 work?"


"Alright see you at 6:30 miss Thirlwall."

"Goodbye miss Edwards." With that, she hung up the phone and I flopped back on my bed.

I have 10 hours before the mysterious Miss Edwards will be in my room. I have ten hours to make myself and the room presentable. Shit. What do I wear, what if my room looks too messy? What if she doesn't take me seriously?

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