Chapter 15

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Her face is only but a memory in my head. The pictures we have together feel more like stock photos I have of some random couple. Her voice has faded from my mind and I know I will never hear that angelic voice again. Except I can still feel her skin against mine and her lips pressed firmly against mine. These haunting feelings which stop me from being able to ever move on.

If I drink enough I can taste her lipstick, I can lay down next to her. I can relive the memories that I so desperately crave. I wish that I could go back in time and fix the problems before they ever arose. I wish I could have stopped her from leaving. I have a thousand wishes and no one to grant them. Sometimes I wish she was as broken as I am. Sometimes I wish horrible things.

She was on the news the other day. She launched a hotel in Tokyo that's the tallest hotel in the world. That's when I finally found out the name of the mystery girl. Lauren Morgan. Ex soccer player, current girlfriend of Petrie Edwards.

Lauren had been an amazing soccer player helping the American team win all of their games and tournaments. Her skills far above any of her teammates or the people she opposed. She was going to be the best female soccer player of all time until her accident, her father attacked her. After hitting her with a car he attacked her with a bat and left her on the side of the road. Her recovery was long and though she fully recovered she said she will never recover mentally and that's why she quit soccer.

There were so many news articles about how painful her recovery had been and how much Perrie had helped her through everything. The media labeled them as the power couple everyone wanted to be and even though neither of them were true celebrities they were being treated like they were.

Perries recovery seemed to be going well as well. Even though none of it had ever been published and it was all kept a secret I could see a lot of her injuries and pain in the photos and videos she had posted. However as time went on the physical pain for her seemed to be less and less visible. I couldn't deny that even though I was happy that she appeared to be recovering I was worried that she had just gotten better at hiding the pain.

Perrie and her girl seem happy though. They post photos together most days and they are always out somewhere looking insanely in love. They travel constantly and I see their posts of affection in Rome and Paris and Spain and Bali. They are the picture perfect couple.

The thing about an appearance though is that they are so easy to alter.

Hey guys real short update but likeeeee I think I might be back. Idkkkk though

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