Yeah, Just My Life.

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/Ryker's pov./

Oh the beautiful hills and mountains, the lush green grass, the way it sways in the wind. The thin branches bounce softly at the cool breeze, the leafs fall softly to the ground adding to the red/orange blanket of the Fall. The sun illuminates a soft orange light as it kisses the horizon slowly plunging the earths beauty into the cold darkness of night. I sigh enjoying the view from my small window sitting next to the glass with my legs pulled close to me and my arms folded over the windowsill enjoying the quiet though I know it won't last long. I soon hear the door slam open then shut I sigh and continue looking through the window. I can hear the angry possibly drunk footsteps heading up stairs to the attic which just happens to be where my room is. The door then slams open and my dad stands in the doorway I don't bother even looking at him, I don't even flinch when the door opens, I just stare out the window until I feel something grab my hair I hiss at the stinging pain but quickly shut up. He pulled me to my feet and turned me to look at him. "Why isn't dinner ready!? You know we provide for you, feed you and you can't even have dinner on the table before we get back!? What a useless little mistake you are!!" He yells I just stand listening to what I've heard a hundred times before. "Go start cooking! Go! Go!" He yells. "Okay." I say but quickly receive a hard slap across my face I hiss and hold my cheek my head off to the side. "Show some respect!" He yells I sigh. "Yes, sir." I say with slight sarcasm he kicks my shin making me stumble. "Close enough, but don't use that tone with me again. Understood?" He says I nod my head and he huffs before turning around I roll my eyes and follow. I head downstairs and past the living room my mom staring boredly at the tv. I head to the kitchen and get out the pans and dishes needed and start cooking. I soon hear slightly softer but almost equally dreaded footsteps heading for the kitchen. "Hey bratt, what's for dinner?" I turn my head to glance at my older brother Mason whom of course is the favorite. Have You ever watched Cinderella? Well he's worse then the evil step sisters combined. "Food." I answer in a sarcastic tone turning my head back to the food I go to get the seasonings from the other cabinet away from the stove I was looking through it when I feel something pull on my hair to turn me around my brother looks at me with a ticked expression and grabs my hand pressing a extremely hot metal rod across the back of my hand. I scream and try to move away but get pushed against the counter soon he pulls it off. I hold my hand and look at my brother whom has a amused look on his Face still holding up the red glowing hot metal rod which he must of put in the stoves fire. "Now maybe the dog with be more obedient to their master." He laughs before pulling a beer out of the fridge and walking away I sigh and growl again I look down at my hand to see a terrible red burn indented into the back of my hand I growl and hold my hand putting the seasonings on dinner I walk to the bathroom and run cold water over it. I then gently rap it then head back to my work. I hear mom and dad fighting in the back ground and music blaring from Mason's room. I roll my eyes and continue working. You see they try to get to me and break me and make me become a pet. Sure I work and get kicked around but that doesn't mean I'm gonna be their little dachshund that whimpers and hides in a hole. If anything i'm a pitbull. I wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for I'm to young to move out. Sigh, only one more year and I'm outta here. Freedom at last. I finished cooking and set the table with the plates. "Dinners ready!" I call the three idoits come in and sit down and I walk upstairs. I don't eat much and when I do it's like really late at night. I walk in my room and close the door I slip on a black leather glove over the white bandage on my hand and walk back to my window staring out at the now dark landscape the only light coming from the moon and stars. The branches casting shadows upon the cold ground, the shadows shift as the cold night air blows through the trees causing the branches to bounce softly. I continue looking outside untill. *splat!* water runs down the window I frown and sit up to look out of the window. Down on the ground was Micheal one of the grade A jerks from my school, that being the only A he would ever get. He looks at me with a grin holding a water balloon. I crack open the window. "Hey Repunzel! You gonna let down your hair or what?!" He calls I roll eyes and his idiocy. "Nah I'm good, now bug off." I say to him as I start closing the window he throws another balloon and it hits the window again. I know he won't leave me alone so I grab my phone and black leather jacket and run outside my parents in bed and my brother doing who knows what. I run outside to the back of the house to find Micheal. "Get out of here Micheal." I growl he laughs. "What are you gonna do? Hurt me?" He asks throwing a balloon at my feet making my legs soaked I growl at him. "Oh yeah, I am now!" I yell. "Well, ya gotta catch me first." He teases running into the trees I growl and run after him throw the darkness. I keep running until I come to a mountain. I see Micheal on the side of it. "What's wrong are you scared?!" He calls I huff slightly and run up the mountain chasing the idiotic teen. When I reatch the top I can't seem to find Micheal but I see a huge hole I look at it in curiosity when I hear a laugh I turn to see my brother and Micheal I growl. "Oh what's wrong, thought I wasn't out here? Haha as if I wouldn't be the one to do this." Mason says I raise a brow. "What do you mean?" I ask he walks closer to me and smirks. "Oh nothing just helping you fall to your death." He laughs as he grabs me but the neck of my shirt I thrash my eyes widen as he pushes me closer to the hole. "Goodbye, pet." He says before pushes me over and into the hole I feel tears brim my eyes as I fall into darkness.


Hiya Gamers! Undertale, yaaaaaay!!! I'm so excited to start writing Undertale fanfics, it's a really great game. I hope you enjoy this and if I don't express a character the way they're suppose to be please forgive me, this is gonna be my trial run!  
Till next time...


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