Well, That's Just Cold.

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/Ryker's pov./

"If you would like to go further I suppose that would be fine but you must be careful, many of the monsters are not fond of humans." Toriel says I nod. "Okay, I get it." I say. "If you would like, I will show you to the exit but please be cautious, my child." She says. "Yes, I will." I say she nods and stands. "Follow me, my child." She says I nod and stand she leads me out of the living room to the entrance of the house and leads me down the staircase. At the bottem there a odd long purple tunnel that runs a long way I follow her through it till we reach a left turn that leads to a gate/door Toriel then turns to me. "This is the exit of the RUINS, it will lead you to the rest of the UNDERGROUND but you must be careful, my child." She says I nod at her. "I will, thank you for all the help." I say with a slight smile she smiles at me. "It is my pleasure, my child." Toriel says she steps out of the way and I walk through the doors the last thing I hear is. "I can never save any of them." Before the doors close I feel a intense coldness hit me I rap my arms around myself. I have a jacket on be it's still freezing. I've never been a fan of cold weather becuase, though I'm strong willed, I've always been more sensitive to low temperatures. Well, there's no turning back now. I shiver as I walk through the snow. I start to take in the area. Other then the temperature it's a rather beautiful place. I was walking down a purple/grey path outlined in the fresh white snow that covered the ground. Out not to far from the path was many tall trees that stood tall and reach into the air. I shiver again as I start feeling colder, my feet hurting from walking through the snow. I slow but still continue my trek through the cold snowy forest, some of the fresh white powder sticks to my boots. I slow, teeth chattering together, as the cold worsens. I try to keep walking but feel weak in the knees. I slowly fall to my knees on the path holding myself up with me hands, the cold smooth surface freezing my ungloved hand and chilling the other through the glove. My vision starts to blur and fade as I start sliding down till I'm laying against the cold hard surface as my eyes flutter closes I fight to open them and just barely get them open. The last thing I see is a pair of white slippers before I fall unconscious.


I was walking through woods looking around before I'll go for my well earned break. I mean I've been walking for five minutes how long does Paps want me to work anyway? I was about to head back when I see..... a human? But they don't seem in good shape they are on the ground and soon fall all the way down I walk up to them and nodice she's female from the long hair and appearance I kneel and roll her over a bit.

 a human? But they don't seem in good shape they are on the ground and soon fall all the way down I walk up to them and nodice she's female from the long hair and appearance I kneel and roll her over a bit

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(Her outfit but with a black leather glove on her left hand)

I observe her skin a light grayish/blue I take her hand and feel for her pulse. She's still alive but extremely cold, probably not a good sign for a human. I sigh and lift her up on my lap and take off my jacket placing it over her shivering body before I stand holding her in my arms. I take her down the path till I come to a bridge. I walk through but hear my bro near by I quickly put her behind a conveniently shaped lap and stand over next to the bridge entrance as my bro comes up. "Sup, bro?" I ask. "YOU KNOW WHAT'S "SUP," BROTHER! IT'S BEEN EIGHT DAYS AND YOU STILL HAVEN'T... RECALIBRATED. YOUR. PUZZLES! YOU JUST HANG AROUND OUTSIDE YOUR STATION! WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING?!?" Paps lectures. "Staring at this lamp. It's really cool. Do you wanna look?" I ask. "NO!! I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR THAT!! WHAT IF A HUMAN COMES THROUGH HERE!?! I WANT TO BE READY!!! I WILL BE THE ONE! I MUST BE THE ONE! I WILL CAPTURE A HUMAN! THEN, I, THE GREAT PAPYRUS... WILL GET ALL THE THINGS I UTTERLY DESERVE! RESPECT... RECOGNITION... I WILL FINALLY BE ABLE TO JOIN THE ROYAL GUARD! PEOPLE WILL ASK, TO, BE MY, "FRIEND?" I WILL BATHE IN A SHOWER OF KISSES EVERY MORNING." He goes on. "Hmm... maybe this lamp will help you." I say he gets even more mad. "SANS!! YOU ARE NOT HELPING!! YOU LAZYBONES!! ALL YOU DO IS SIT AND BOONDOGGLE!! YOU GET LAZIER AND LAZIER EVERY DAY!!!" He yells. "Hey, take it easy. I've gotten a ton of work done today. A skele-ton." I joke winking. "SAnnnnNeeeeeesssssS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Paps yells. "Come on. You're smiling." I say. "I AM AND I HATE! SIGH... WHY DOES SOMEONE AS GREAT AS ME... HAVE TO DO SO MUCH TO GET SOME RECOGNITION..." He says. "Wow, sounds like you're really working yourself... Down to the bone." I say with a shrug. "UGH!!! I WILL ATTEND TO MY PUZZLES... AS FOR YOUR WORK? PUT A LITTLE MORE, "BACKBONE" INTO IT!!! NYEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHS!!!" He leaves but then returns once again. "HEH!" And with that he's gone to work I sigh with a smile on my face but I quickly go over to the conveniently shaped lap and pick up the girl I quickly head to my house using a short cut I arrive and take her inside. I walk in and lay her on the couch. I look at her blueish/grey skin and sigh. I've got some work to do.


Hiya Gamers! And the skele-bros are here! I hope you liked this! I tried to make the skele-bros conversation exactly like the game so hope you enjoyed it haha. Anywho, let me Know what you think! Till next time...


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