The Underground?

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/Ryker's pov./

I wake up and groan having a slight headache I slowly open my eyes to see I'm in a vary dark cave looking room I tilt my head slightly. How in the- Oh... that's right my sicko brother tossed me down a hole. I slowly get up and look around. Well, only one way to go I guess. I walk over to the small tunnel and go down it I soon come to a room that's completely dark other then a spot light on a weird looking flower I curiously walk up to it and jump when it suddenly starts talking. "Howdy! I'm FLOWEY! FLOWEY the FLOWER! Hmmm... Your new to the UNDERGROUND aren'tcha? Golly, you must be so confused!" The flower apparently named Flowey says I tilt my head. "What's the Underground?" I ask. "Why it's the home to the monsters of course! But don't worry! I can help you learn how to survive down here!" Flowey says. "Ummm nah I'm good, thanks though." I say as I try to walk around the weird talking flower but feel something rap around my ankle I look down to see a root. "Oh, a smart one aren'tcha? Well we will see about that." He voice suddenly goes deep and demonic and his face turns into one that would be seen in nightmares. I yelp slightly at the voice change. "Oh great, a demonic flower. Well, I'm out." I say I quickly cut the root with the pocket knife I keep in my jacket pocket and run to the passage. "This isn't the last you'll see of me!" He yells at me as I run I slow and start walking as I start walking through a bunch of rooms but they seem to have puzzles in them I solve them but get jumped by some kind of frog dude suddenly everything around me goes black and a red heart jumps from my chest I stare at the floating heart in amazement then I look up as words appear.
I stare at the words speechless I slowly touch FIGHT and it show a bar I wait till middle but miss it slightly. (Wow what a noob) suddenly the frog takes damage. Then white pellets come down towards the heart one hits it and I feel a slight stinging pain I then think about moving the heart and it starts to move and dodge the attacks. Soon the white pellets stoped and I looked at the frog it's heath is pretty low and it looks like it doesn't want to fight anymore I press MERCY then press SPARE and the frog leaves and the blackness disappears as if it never happened. Okay that was..... something. I start walking again continuing through the catacombs of puzzles till I reatch come to a room that has a bridge covered in spikes I gulp slightly looking at them I slowly move my foot down over then and they disappear i smile a bit and slowly lower my foot on each step I then come to a point and lower my foot and the spikes doesn't retract I raise a brow and try the spot next to me and the disappear. I continue carefully walking through the puzzle until I make it the the other side I smile at me accomplishment and continue to explore I soon pass through many puzzles and reach a nice house I raise a brow and slowly walk towards the house I knock on it slightly and hear some footsteps soon the door opens revealing a goat looking woman. "Oh why hello my child. How did you get all the way here? You must be vary brave and talented to make it through the catacombs alone." She says looking at me with a sweet smile. "Oh umm thanks I guess." I say looking at her. "Come in, come in my child." She says I hesitate but come inside none of the less. "Follow me." She says she leads me to a nice cozy living room where there a table with three chairs she walks to one of the chairs and looks at me. "Please sit." She says I nod and sit on the chair opposite of her. "So child, what is your name?" She asks. "Oh, my name's Ryker." I answer she smiles. "That is a lovely name, I am TORIEL, caretaker of the RUINS." She introduces I nod. "Umm nice to meet you." I say I look down a bit thinking of my day and how absolutely wonderful it has been. Note the sarcasm. Toriel must have nodice me thinking about something. "There seems to be something on your mind. Is something wrong my child?" She asks I look up at her. "Oh umm no just thinking about what's happened today." I say she nods. "I understand, it must have been a hard experience, having to go through the catacombs by yourself and falling from your world and home." She says I look at my hands. Actually, not being home is the best part of this whole deal. "So, what did you run into out there?" She asks drawling my attention I look at her. "Oh, not a lot but.... do you know of a demonic flower at the entrance to this place?" I ask she looks down a bit her ears flattening at me mentioning the flower. She sighs slightly. "Sadly yes. Did he harm you?" She asks. "Well, no but he seemed to want to and tried to make me stay." I explain she look down a bit shaking her head. "What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth." She says. "So, the weird flower guy told me that this place is called the Underground and it's the home of the monsters..." I say she looks at me and nods. "Yes, that is correct. The UNDERGROUND is home to all monsters." She says I nod. "So, is there a way to return to earth?" I ask. "....Yes, but it would be harder then you would think." She says. "Well, I made it this far, don't I get points for that?" I ask she thinks taking in the information. "Well, I suppose you are older then most whom has been here but I am still unsure you could make it without getting into grave danger." She says. "Well, only one way to find out hmm? And if I go in and it gets to hard for me I could come back here and hang with you. Deal?" I ask she ponders the idea before sighing smiling slightly.  "Alright, deal my child." She says I smile as I struck a deal with the goat lady name Toriel.


Hiya Gamers! Another chapter down! I hope your enjoying this book and make sure to comment whatchathink of the book so far! Till next time...


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