Chapter 1

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********LONDONS P.O.V**********

*THIS HAPPENED BEFORE THE WEDDING! KEEP IN MIND. This going to last for two chapters. One for London and one for Chris. London in the picture...*

I don't like the point of my mother and grandfather dating. I know some of you out there saying, "Why?", Well thats because I also like Chris. Weird. I know.

Well I know some of you asked do I know who my father is. Yes. I know he raped me mom into having me. I was a mistake and a blessing.

I was making breakfast. And as I was, I thought about all of the times i cut. They were all from seeing my mom and Chris kiss.

I know its wrong, but I don't think that Chris and Ma going to last that long. After I heard what Uncle Wayne said about liking Mom or me, but that was less work for me to input on. Im not trying to brake them up, but, I have nothing to explain myself. Thats why I used to get bullied at school. That's why I am home schooled.

Mom and Chris have never been to nun my basketball games. Everyone else in the YMCMB has been to ALL of my games.They came for me like im there daughter. Some wasn't even part of YMCMB.

While thinking about all that stuff i started to cry.

"London? Oh my gawd. Are you ok?!" Chris said. I didnt even know he was here. I looked up into his eyes. I just wanted to kiss him.

I fought my temptation and answered him. "Im ok. Can I ask you a question?"

I said debating on weather should I say it. I don't wanna sound like a hoe, but hey.

"Chris, I know you've known me my whole life, but I like you. I know your about to get married to my mom tomorrow, but for a while I have liked you. If you don't like me back, I'm gonna be happy I told you in the first place." I said all of this without looking up and taking a breath. When I looked up I saw Chris run out of the house.

Aslong as I got with I wanted.

I finally told Chris.

After I finished my sandwich, I went to my friend, Keyera, house. She knew about the cutting, Chris incident, and the other stuff.

I got in my purple Ferrari w/ a white line down the middle and drove off in it.


When I got out the car, I just ran in the door. Keyera's father, Diggy Simmons, knew me. He was so sexy.

"Im home!" I yelled through the house.

Diggy was a single father his girlfriend left him with Keyera and disappeared. Diggy was still famous when she left him and Keyera. But he held on and raised her all by himself. I helped once in awhile. Even if I am 17. I know the Simmons family since I was born. He still even raps.

At one point, he hit hard and the lights went off. I payed the bill with my allowance. he kept saying, "You didn't have to do that!" I didn't care they needed help so I helped.

"Kitchen!" I heard Diggy yell. When I walked in there, I was him making a sandwich. What is it with all the sandwiches today...

I just watched him. He has a beard. He cuts it once in awhile. Carmel skin, brown-hazel eyes, curly brown hair, and all the time sexy 6 pack. I wish he was my four letter word.

"Where's Keyera?" I asked. Diggy looked up from his food and smiled. "She's still at school. Kids still go to school these days. " Then he laughed.

I forgot she don't got home school like I do. I was about to go back home, Diggy grabbed my shoulder. "You can stay if you want. I'm just going to my room, If you want to come." He said, going to his room that was 3 floors up.

Good thing he had a elevator.

We got to the 3 floor with the help of the elevator. You can see all of Los Angeles from here. We walked into his room.

"You wanna watch TV?" Diggy said in his raspy voice. I didn't care as long as I wasn't bored. "Sure. As long as I'm not bored. " he smiled and turned to ridiculousness.

After watching the 1 hour marathon of ridiculousness, I got tired. He finished his food and already. "Hey Digg can I sleep until Keyera gets home?" I said in a sleepy tone. "Sure, but can I tell you something?" He asked. " You just did." He just laughed nervously.

"You can tell me." I said, scared of what he was about to ask me.

"London, I've known you since you was a baby. I fed you and changed your pamper. I watched you bloom in to a beautiful woman. I was with you through a lot of steps. You are what god sent me. After Yasmine left, you're been there for be and Keyera. You turned our lights back on when they went off. You didn't even have to do that. Anyway, I like you. No, like like love you. Do you like me? " After he gave that speech, I was speechless.

I didn't know what to do but kiss. I ran into his arms and kissed him. It turned from lust to passionate. His beard was in the way but I didn't care. He was 35. Me being. 17, we was going to get in trouble. I'm trying to prevent that.

"Diggy. Stop." I said in between kissing. I did like him, but I didn't want to get in trouble. He didn't wanna get off so I pushed him. I put my hands on my face and cried.

I didn't want him to feel like he did something wrong. It's been to much.

"Did I do something wrong? Its just that I always loved you. I'm crazy about you."

"Digg I like you to its just that I don't want people to think Im a sl*t because I'm going out with my best friends father. Its to much stuff to take on. Were 19 years apart. People will notice. I love you to but lets just take it slow." I said looking up at the edge of the bed.

He was crying. I've never seen a man cry. Everyone needs let it out sometimes.

I grabbed my hair and shook it. "Don't tell Keyera or anyone else about this."

And with that I left.


When I got home, I saw a letter. I just decided To read it since it had no name on it. Just initials.

Dear London,

I am so sorry that happened earlier. I was just out of it. I don't exactly feel the same way but I do know that there someone out there for you. I'm just not the one. I love your mother. That's it.


P.S. I will still love you.

"He could of just told me up front about it." I murmured. I realized I haven't ate since earlier, so I decided to order pizza.

2 hours later Mom and Chris came home.

"I'm going up stairs goodnight." Chris said without looking up. Okay...

"Mom. I went to Diggy's house earlier. Just so you know." I told my mom.

"Okay. I'm going to go to bed too. Good night." She said, giving me a kiss on the forehead. That's why I love my mom.


Hey!!! Did y'all like it? I did.

I git a lot of people saying"update" so here i am.

Anyway,comment ↓„ vote↓„ share↓...

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