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My eyelids fluttered open and the blinding azure of the sky met them with a harsh force. Pain wrecked my body and I let out a loud scream as I tried to raise up my head and was met with an unbearable pain. As it sunk back down level with my spine, I felt something hard act like a pillow to rest my weary neck. I opened my mouth and started to gag as I suddenly realised my makeshift headrest was the disembodied leg of a soldier. I scuttled backwards, bile rising up my throat and burning my mouth.

I couldn't move any further, my muscles void of any remaining adrenaline. Lying still against the sand, my eyelids closing again without my consent.


My lips begged for water, my stomach craving anything. The respite from my sleep may have given my body a chance to recover from exhaustion, but it had done nothing to lessen the agony spreading like an inferno through my left leg or reduce the haze created by my malnourished brain.

Stirring slightly, I noted a man crouching a few metres away, his hand gripping a metal helmet, his entire being shaking from the sobs that forced themselves from his chest. My brain still catching up with my consciousness, I barely even realised the slow crawl that was carrying me closer to the man.

Rocking back on to my heels, I crouched next him. It was then I glimpsed the glint of something in the sun. A ring on a finger. Whoever it was was buried too deep under the freshly turned sand to have stood any chance. The man muttered something under his breath.

"I'm not going back. If if I go back I'll die, we'll all die."

I opened my mouth to reply to him, to comfort him but suddenly he turned his head to face me and his piercing blue eyes met with mine. He gripped his hands around mine, squeezing them so tightly it was painful.

"We don't stand a chance, but mabye you do... No matter what happens to anyone around you, get yourself safe." I just watched as the man stood up, his hands slipping away from mine. He gave me the slightest nod of his head before turning away and walking up the dunes until his head disappeared behind a barricade of debris, leaving me in a wake of confusion and understanding.


I tested my weight on my leg gingerly, little groans coming out of my mouth as the flickers of pain returned. Whatever had happened was only temporary, but it may as well have had my leg amputated judging my situation. I had to get up and move, the Germans would even now be using this latest wave of devastation to drastically push in the perimeter. You could even here the gun fire becoming more pronounced.

I took one step, and then another. The pain would be bearable at least. I moved quicker, dragging my left leg through the sand whilst my right one did most of the work. The mole was becoming larger in my eye line, if I could get there it would certainly be safer than to stay out in the open.

Soon enough, I forgot about my useless leg and was practically sprinting, my stride lengthening to take me closer to help. I slowed slightly to navigate my way through a scattering of dead bodies, only they weren't dead. Soft noises echoed from some whilst others were notably alive by their rising and falling chest. I was so close, the mole was just there. Staying out in the open was dangerous. But these people needed help...

I found myself roughly shaking the young men, directing the ones who were only mildly injured to help carry people to the medical tents. Their bruises and wounds were minor, but littered every inch of their skin.

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