The end for now

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Thank you all so much for reading and I hope you enjoyed!

As you could probably tell by the ending of chapter 10, I have more ideas ahead that now stray completely off the plot and create backstories for each character. I don't know when I'll start posting book 2, but I've already started writing and have some great ideas from the help of my friend Emily

I've been amazed at the number of reads and support I've had for this story, and I've really enjoyed writing it! I just wanted to thank you all so much.

The next book is going to be a continuation now that everyone is back in England so I thought I'd give you a quick prologue!

Back at the port in Dorset, a fateful train journey leads Tommy and Rosa to their parting.
As Rosa struggles against a soldier's orders, and tommy pushes himself through a barricade of people trying to reach each other, the morose lilting tune of We'll Meet Again serenades their painful parting as the hope they found in each other is shattered into pieces.

Now Rosa is on a bus heading to an unfamiliar town in an unfamiliar country, everything she loved left behind, anything she had to look forward to taken away.

However, at one of the towns where Rosa is desperately trying to find a job, she's reunited with one of her new acquaintances who takes her back to his home in Dorset and she prepares to continue her new story with the ghost of the boy she's fallen for.

However what she doesn't know is that troops are still needed abroad, and Tommy is on the list of people being forced to return.

And that sets up book two!

Again thank you so so much for reading and I hope you've all enjoyed!

Good bye for now then xx

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2017 ⏰

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