Chapter 03 ♡ an adventure of a lifetime

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"good morning Jake paulers! Right now I'm in Alexa's closet because she's still asleep and she needs to wake up... that's why I'm screaming!"
If you hadn't noticed Jake was in my closet and I hate people going in my closet, only if they're helping me get ready. I got out of bed and crept over to the closet door. I opened it as fast as I could and screamed. Jake was so scared that he fell over, and before he could get back up I took his camera and took over his vlog.
"Yooo Jake paulers! Isn't Jake a pain? Anywayyy today I think we're going on a road trip to California because we have a team ten photo shoot,which by the way, I'm sooo excited about-" but before I could say anything else Jake took the camera back and fled the room. I shrugged it off and headed to Tessa's room where her and Erika were getting dressed.

"Hey gurl," Erika said, looking up from the draw she was rummaging through.
"Hey Er, Hey Tessa. So, what you guys wearing?" I asked, because I had no idea what I was going to wear.
"I have no idea!" Tessa laughed.
After we had finally chosen what we were going to wear we headed downstairs to get breakfast and then we all piled into the team ten van.
"Who's ready for a road tripppp!?" Anthony shouted from the back of the van,next to me and chance.
"HELL YEHH!" Tessa screamed.
"WOOP WOOP!" Everyone else yelled.

After what seemed like eternity, the team ten van pulled up on a pier at a beach in California. On the verge of peeing themselves, everybody clambered out of the van and desperately looked around for the nearest toilets.
"Over there!" Emilio shrieked excitedly, his voice sounding oddly high pitched. I smothered a giggle, scared that if I even smirked I would wet myself. In the hope of reaching the toilet first, we all ran across the sand, slipping and sliding. Of course, because I'm amazingly talented, I reached the women's first and chance reached the men's. Before we went in we high-fived each other whilst everyone groaned behind us.

After everyone had satisfied their need to pee, we all messed about in the sand whilst jerika intensely made out. Once in a while we would all make retching sounds to put them off. After a few sandcastle had been made, the crew who were doing our photo shoot arrived. We all got into our swimsuits, and posed this way and that. Then it got to chance and Me's photo.
"Okay, Alexa look up in to chances eyes," the photographer said. I did as he said and giggled when I looked into chances eyes. The photographer snapped a few photos and then out of the blue Chance leaned down to kiss me. I kissed him back and at that exact moment it felt like nobody else was on that beach. We pulled away and smiled softly at each other, laughing a little.
"Everyone was watching," chance smiled, looking around at everybody. Erika had taken photos on my phone and Jake vlogged on his camera whilst Tessa vlogged for mine and hers.
"You know what chance? I actually don't care, I could kiss you right now again." I said giggling.
"Go on then," he replied, and we did, we kissed and then it was official to everyone. Team ten, our fans, everyone. It felt good.

Once we'd finished the shoot it was starting to get late so we headed for home. I sat in the back with chance and we snuggled the whole way home. Erika and Jake sat in the front, with Jake driving. The rest of team 10 sat in the spare seats in the middle.
"You good?"  Chance asked me, kissing my forehead.
"Better than I've ever been, thank you," I beamed back and leaned up to kiss him. Nick, who was sitting right in front of us, turned around.
"Oi you two, pack it in!" He said and turned back to taking to uncle Kade.
Everyone laughed and then Erika connected her phone to the car to put some music on.
'It's everyday bro' blasted from the speakers and we all sung our part. Nick's turn was the funniest because we all shouted "ENGLAND IS MY CITY!" And he got sooo mad.
"Sorry nick but England is my city too!?" I said to him. It's true I am British but I moved to America with my family when I was 2 so I don't sound British.
"fair enough," he huffed back.

We arrived back at the team ten house at 2am, and trust me when I say we could easily have passed out as soon as we got through the door. But we didn't, we all dragged ourselves up the stair and into our individual rooms. I flopped onto my bed and saw Chance leaning against the doorframe of my room.
"You're so cute," he said and gave me a one of those looks that couples give each other in chick-flick's. It made me all warm and tingly inside and all I could do was smile. And it stayed like that until I went to sleep in his arm.

I woke up to chance playing with my hair.
"Morning," I said smiling, still half asleep.
"Oh, hey sleepyhead. You overslept so Tessa's already gone to the gym, I'll take you later if you want?" Chance replied.
To be quite honest, I was shocked that Jake hadn't woken me up that morning and so I didn't say anything for a minute.
"Oh yeh and Jake let you sleep in because he was happy that you make me happy." Chance said softly.
"Oh I make you happy do I?" I teased and sat up giggling.
"Yea, you do," he replied and leaned forward to kiss me.

That tingly feeling | chance SuttonWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu