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Guys im srry this is a short chapterrrr




~Alex POV~

"Race you to the tree!" John yelled over his shoulder and bolted towards the park entrance.

"You're on!" Herc yelled as the rest of us ran after John.

Thomas ran along side me, slowing his pace since his legs were longer than mine. The three Schuylers were racing with each other and Herc had Laf on his back. Madison stayed behind and walked, accompanied by Burr.

When we finally caught up to John, he was grinning from one of the highest branches of the tree. We collapsed at the foot of the tree and caught our breaths.

"Guys c'mon up here! The sunset is beautiful!" John shouted.

I glanced back at the horizon. He was right. It was beautiful which meant it was probably more gorgeous up there.

I watched as Peggy, Thomas, and Herc climed there way up to where John was. It was a giant tree which meant that it could hold all there weight. I shuddered a little, remembering the fall.

When it was my turn to climb, I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned to see Laf's face with a worried expression plastered on to it.

"Mon amie, are you sure you want to do this?" he whispered. No one else knew about what happened before we moved here. His eyes flickered uncertainly from me to the tree.

I glanced back up at the tree. I was a good climber. Besides, this wasnt as high as the tree before.

I looked back at my brother and nodded. He squeezed my shoulder and stepped back. I turned and grabbed the first branch, pulling myself up.

I grabbed the next branch and the next one and the next one. Before I knew it, I was face to face with Thomas.

"How was it?" He asked as I pulled myself up onto the thick branch he was sitting on. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, making sure that I didnt fall. Again.

I shrugged and examined my hands, full of scratches. Thomas placed a small kiss on my head and I leaned into his warmth.

"Doesnt it look amazing?" Herc said, reminding me of what we were doing in the first place. Watching the sunset.

I felt my breath catch in my throat. He was right. It was absolutely beautiful.

As the rest of our friends made their way up the tree, (damn this mustve been a pretty giant tree) we silently watched the sunset.

Soon enough, the stars and moon came out, signaling night. Slowly and carefully, we took turns climbing down.

I watched Thomas when it was his turn to climb. This left me and Herc.

"You two are cute together," he said a smirked at me, making me blush. "I bet you're gonna get married!!" he sang and reached over from his branch to jokingly punch me in the arm.

But he underestimated his own strength.

Before I knew it, I felt the familiar free falling sensation. Everything began to move in slow motion. This felt like one of my dreams. Except that it wasnt. This was real life.

I was doing it again. Falling.

I shut my eyes tight and braced for the fall.


That sickening sound was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.



my writing sucks. Why do you guys read this?


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