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"And a million years ago she said to me this one's mine....So I stood by...DO YOU KNOW WHY?"

Thats my fave part of the song^

animatic by Magenta Draw

~Alex POV~

When I opened my eyes again, I found myself on the grass. It took a few seconds for the pain to come but when it did, it felt like a brick wall. The pain throbbed from my right leg.

I groaned as I tried to prop myself up with my elbows but someone pushed me down.

"Stop, just lie down for now ok?" I turned my head a little to see Laf looking worriedly at me. His eyebrows were furrowed together and he kept glancing at my leg.

I saw that behind him, Eliza, Peggy, Thomas, and John were standing and looking at me. Madison and Burr were helping Herc get out of the tree.

Disobeying my brother, I lifted my head up to glance at my leg. I was able to get a glimpse it before Laf pushed my head down gently. He had covered my lower leg with his jacket.

As John, Peggy, Thomas, and Laf fawned over me, repeadly asking if I was ok, I saw Eliza crouch next to my covered leg. As she reached her hand to lift up the jacket, Laf stopped her.

"No!" he shouted suddenly, startling all of us. "I-I mean... don't lift it up. It probably looks bad and it might get infected or something" he added quickly. I gave him a weird look but he ignored it.

"Do you think you can walk or something?" John asked. I nodded as Peggy and Herc slowly pulled me up. Before the jacket slipped off of my leg, Laf crouched down to tie it around my knee. That was weird.

"Uh, sorry about that... I didnt mean to push you that hard," Herc said as he walked up to me and I forgave him, forgetting all about Laf's behavior. Thomas scooped me up, bridal style, making me giggle a little.

"You good?" He asked a concerned look plastered on to his face.

"I'm fine! I'm fine," I assured and winced a little when a more pain shot up my leg. Honestly, I was doing all I could not to faint right on the spot.

"Ha! Ya right! Alex I know that you're not fine," he chuckled, making a small smile light up on his face. I hummed and rested my head on his chest as they started to walk over to our house.

Luckily, I was extremely light and the house was only a five minute walk away. Thomas was strong. He could carry me with ease.

The walk was probably a few minutes but it felt like hours to me. I could feel every jostle, every step. Each time pain would shoot up my leg. I had definitely broken something.

Soon enough, we arrived at the house. I was about to pass out from the pain. Black spots danced across my vision and it felt like the world was spinning out of control.

I kept my eyes shut tight as I felt Thomas lay me down on the couch. I felt hands on my forehead. I groggily opened my eyes to see Martha staring at me, concern and worry written clearly on her face. She said something but everything felt faint and distant. It felt like that time in the car. I was underwater again. I saw George herding everyone out of the house.

Eventually, my eyes fluttered closed and I was pulled back into the painless black abyss of sleep.


why does a week of not posting feel like a whole year??

I rlly miss u guys (even if it was just for a week)


have a great 24 hours!!

You guys deserve it!!


Part of a Machine <Completed>حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن