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Hey guys, this is a new story I've been working while I'm on vaca. It's probably not going to be as good as B.W.B. but give it a try anyway... I was gonna update B.W.B. but I decided against it because it doesn't sound right. I don't want to rush and give you crap to read so I'm going over it again. I might post either tonight or tomorrow or when I get back. Read this story in the meantime, you can tell me it sucks... This isn't really my main concern. Sooo... Enjoy!

-----(^.^)----- Prologue ------(^.^)-----

For the most part, many different kinds of secrets can be shared between friends. But then, there's also a line to the things you tell your friends. Sometimes, things aren't meant to be shared with your friends, however close you are.

My name is Rebecca Avery. People call me Becca and I'm 15 turning 16, a sophomore at my high school. On this fine Saturday morning, I was sitting on a lawn chair beside the pool that we had backyard. Next to me were my best friends Julia and Aiden. Julia has wavy red hair. It's not one of those blood red colors, but it was a nice red color. It went well with her pale complexion and glowing green eyes. Aiden had black hair. He dyed it. He wouldn't say what his real hair color used to be. He has it cut emo style, since, well, he's emo. He has green eyes like Julia, but a lighter shade. As for me? I have sandy blonde hair that's usually in a pontail and boring brown eyes. That's it.

Anyway, back to the can't tell your friends some things situation. Aiden and Julia were talking about last night's party. I was grounded so I couldn't go. My parents are so lame. So I forget to pick up my little brother, Hayden, from daycare, big whoop! They're telling me about some pretty personal stuff. Like Aiden was telling me about the number of girls he slept with that night. If you're wondering, 3. Yeah, he's an emo player. Julia is talking about grinding guys and getting so drunk, she made out with a girl, tongue included. See, my friends are not ashamed of explaining every last, sick detail of what happened sexually. That's what sets me apart from them. I would never go into the details of what happened sexually between me and another person and not be totally embarrassed. Not that there's anything to tell anyway. The truth was, I'm still a virgin. The only thing sexual I've ever done my whole like was kiss Aiden back in freshman year, if you even call kissing sexual. I'm a bore and I know it. I sometimes wonder why Aiden and Julia are even my friends. I have extremely strict parents who rarely let me do anything. I still love them though, but they're still a pain.

"Selena was a good fuck," Aiden said. Selena was one of the three girls from last night. I don't know how he could sleep with three girls in one night. That's something beyond me. After 10 minutes of hearing their detailed stories, I tuned them out completely and closed my eyes. Out of nowhere, something jumped into my lap and was laughing. My eyes shot open to see my 4-year-old brother, Hayden. His smile was wide and cute. I ruffled his spiky brown hair and tickled him, making him laugh even more. Aiden looked amused while Julia picked at her nails.

"Shit Becca, you'll kill the little dude," Aiden said, grabbing Hayden away from me. I glared at him.

"Language, Aiden," I said, smacking him on the back. He rubbed his bare skin. We were by the pool afterall. He was only wearing his black and gray trunks with white skulls. Julia was wearing a pink bikini and I was wearing a yellow one piece.

"Don't worry, Becks," Aiden said, patting Hayden's head. "I'm a good role model."

"Very funny, Aiden. If you're a role model, I'm a damn saint," Julia said, not looking up from her nails. Hayden stared wide eyed at me and I rolled my eyes at Julia.

"Watch the language, guys," I said, annoyed. I took Hayden away from Aiden and brought him inside, then coming back out.

"Becca, you sound like your parents," Julia said, looking up at me. "You're even dressed conservatively." I looked down at m swim suit and didn't see how. To dress conservatively, I would be wearing a freaking wet suit, which my parents had once suggested.

"I do not, Jules," I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"You do too, Becks," Aiden butt in. I glared at him while Julia looked victoriously at me.

"I told you so. Why aren't you more like your sister?" Julia asked. I rolled my eyes at her. My little sister Evelyn was the very definition of a slut. She's freshman, but dresses as if she's so much older. Her closet is filled with mini skirts, revealing tops, and things that just don't cover enough. To make matters worse, her face is caked with makeup. I hate to say it, but my sister really is a slut. My parents gave up lecturing her a long time ago. She's so helpless. She even tried to sleep with Aiden once, and he would've if I hadn't caught them in a steamy make out session. I didn't talk to Aiden for weeks even when he was sorry and swore he would never do it again.

"I don't want to be like Evelyn, okay?" I said. Right as I said that, Evelyn stepped out in all her sluttish clothing. Today, she was wearing a white skirt that barely reached her midthigh and a very tight, fitted pink halter top. It looked like she shopped in the kid's department. She sashayed over and stood hovering over Aiden, giving him a good view of her boobs. Fake, I might add. I know because I caught her stuffing them once. She claims she doesn't anymore, but I know she still does. I can tell because if she has a bigger chest than me one day, she stuffed them. I know, I have bigger breasts than her. She called it a gift. I call it a curse.

"Hey guys," she said in her totally fake high voice. Julia smiled at Evelyn.

"Hey Evelyn, any plans for today?" Julia asked, smiling. Evelyn nodded excitedly.

"Brockie asked me out so we're going out," she squealed. The 'Brockie' she was refering to is Broke Rochester. Sun kissed tan. Platinum blonde hair. Baby blue eyes. The works. He's the most popular senior at the high school. All girls love him and wish he loved them back. They were all so desperate, Brock ate it all up. He's also a total player so he goes out with a different girl like every week. The funny thing was, he's not a quarterback. He's not even on the football team. You know how most stories have the popular guy be the quarterback or he's on the football team? Yeah, Brock Rochester is not on the football team. He doesn't do sports. At all.

"You're a lucky girl, Evelyn," Aiden said, grinning.

"I'd be luckier with you, Aiden," she said, winking at him. He smirked and winked right back. Gag.

"Have fun, Evelyn," I said through gritted teeth.

"I will, unlike you," she said, giving Aiden a flirty look before going back inside the house.

"She's right, Becca," Julia said, looking at me sadly. I groaned.

"Give it a rest guys, if you think I'm so boring, why are you even friends with me?" I asked the question I've been wondering for so long. Aiden raised an eyebrow while Julia looked a little hurt.

"God Becca, I'm not shallow or anything. I don't pick friends because they're popular," she said. "And I picked you because I thought you had some personality. Guess I was wrong." I stared at her in disbelief. She's been my best friend for like 10 years and now she tells me I don't have personality? What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"Guess I was wrong about you too, huh? I thought you were a different kind of person, Jules. I thought you had a heart even if you were pretty and popular," I said. "Guess I was wrong." She frowned at me.

"Guess we were both wrong. God Becca, maybe you'd be pretty and popular too if you just act like a girl," she screamed. It felt like she had just slapped me.

"Maybe I don't want to be popular. You know why? Because they're all shallow and heartless. You're the perfect example of that," I told her. I know I was a bit harsh, but she started it.

"Rebecca Lynn Avery, we are no longer friends! Out!" she yelled. I scoffed.

"You get out, you're at my house, Julia!" I said. She stared at me hard.

"Fine, I'll go. Just don't beg for me to come back because I won't," she said as she stormed off. After she disappeared, my eyes watered and I was crying. Out of nowhere, an arm was wrapped around my waist and I was pulled into their chest. Until then, I had forgotten Aiden was there. He was totally quiet during the whole arguement. I cried into his chest, my tears soaking his T shirt.

"You'll be fine, Becks," he said, probably talking about how I just lost my friendship with Julia.

That was 2 years ago.

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