Chapter One

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-----(^.^)----- Chapter One -----(^.^)-----

I am now 17, almost 18. I am a senior at my high school. It's been 2 years since that very incident where Julia and I had our fight and our friendship ceased to exist. Looking back at it, it was really stupid, but things were said and they didn't need to be. Aiden stayed my friend, but we aren't as close as we used to be. He never comes over anymore and he stopped telling me personal things, I guess I glad, but I miss those times when they were still able to be said. He hangs out mostly with Julia, who has officially become a bitch towards me and everyone else that pisses her off. She hangs with those sluts and now, she's one of them. Even though Aiden hugged me that fateful day, and let me cry into his chest, he chose Julia over me. Rumor has it, they are in a relationship now, a relationship where both of them sleeps with other people. I don't ask Aiden about it. I don't care and even if I did, he would never tell me. Julia would tell him not to.

Since I lost Julia and practically Aiden too, I haven't made any new friends. I don't bother to. I just focus on my studies, which my parents are very proud of.

Today was a Friday afternoon, after school had ended just half an hour ago. I was going to have to pick up Hayden from soccer club in a couple of minutes. I pulled my hair out of the ponytail and brushed my hair. I rarely ever put my hair down but I felt like putting it down right now. I got my keys and drove to get my brother at his club. I got out of the car and looked around. Soon, I saw a spiky blonde haired boy come towards me with another kid beside him.

"Hi Hayden, how was soccer club?" I asked.

"The usual," he said in a bored tone. Sigh, my 6-year-old brother was growing up. "Who are you?" I asked the kid beside Hayden. Hayden glanced at the boy beside him and looked back at me.

"He's a friend. His name is Thomas," Hayden said. I nodded and looked at the kid about my brother's age with dark brown hair and blue eyes. His hair was short and spiky like Hayden's.

"Hi," Thomas said. I smiled at him.

"Are you waiting for your ride?" I asked.

"Yeah, my brother is supposed to be here by now," Thomas groaned. I laughed.

"Thomas! Thomas! Dude, let's go!" someone screamed. I turned in the direction of the noise and my eyes practically bulged out of there sockets. Coming towards us was a guy that looked my age with dark brown hair and blue eyes like Thomas. His hair was cut in a skater boy style. I could see muscles under his white T shirt. His skin was lightly tanned. When he reached us, he took a deep breath and then smiled at me.

"Hey, thanks for staying with my bro," he said. He was voice was deep, but not in a scary way.

"No problem. I'm Becca, by the way," I said. He smiled and nodded.

"Cristian, but you can call me Cris," he said. I smiled.

"Did you just move here?" I asked. Soccer club had been going on since the summer and I've never seen Thomas or Cris before.

"Yeah, just got here last week," he said.

"Really, I haven't seen you at school," I said. He nodded.

"Yeah, I don't start until tomorrow," he said.

"Well, I guess I'll see you around," I said, walking towards my car. He waved and walked the other way.

"Want to go for some ice cream, Hayden?" I asked, ruffling his hair. He glared at me and pulled away.

"Don't you have any friends?" he asked, sounding annoyed. I sighed. Even my little brother hates me now. He used to laugh when I ruffle his hair, now he just glares. I used to be his favorite sister, now it's Evelyn. A lot has changed in 2 years. Right as I parked the car in the driveway, Hayden sprinted out. I got up in my room and studied. There was no test or anything coming up, studying just takes my mind away from things. After an hour of studying for no reason, I took a quick shower and changed into my sleeping clothes; black soffe shorts and a long green shirt with black hearts all over it. I went downstairs and got out a box of mac-n-cheese. Today, my parents were out at a business meeting so it was my job to cook dinner. I put the dinner rolls in the microwave and set the table. Once the mac-n-cheese was done, I served some onto the plates and called Evelyn and Hayden down. Hayden came down and ate right away while Evelyn made a face.

"I don't want any cheesy product in my stomach. Tomorrow is practice and I don't digest very fast, unlike someone," she said, glaring at me. It's true. I have a fast metabolism. That's why I can eat anything and still stay thin. Not that anyone knows that. I wear baggy, oversized clothing to cover them up.

"Besides, Adam would not be happy with me if I gained a few pounds," Evelyn added. Adam is Evelyn's new boyfriend. He's a senior like me and on the football team, quarterback, I think. She started dating him this year. Remember Brock? Yeah, they were a good couple, at least that's what Evelyn thinks. She doesn't know that he was cheating on her the whole time. When it was time for Brock to go to college, Evelyn wanted to do the long distance thing. He agreed. It lasted about 2 days. Evelyn went up to surprise him on campus, but instead, she got a surprise of her own. Brock in bed with a girl that's not her. She was heartbroken all last year and didn't even date anyone, which was weird. Then she met Adam. She claims he's better than Brock and really cares for her, but she doesn't see what I see. Adam and Julia have this secret relationship going on. So yeah, Julia is supposedly going out with both Adam and Aiden. I don't think they care.

"If he loves you, he won't care," I said. She laughed.

"Maybe that's what you live by since you're damn conservative, but I don't. Adam will hate me if I gain a single pound. I mean, I'm already bigger than you, that's a shame," she sighed. I shrugged. "So, I'll skip dinner and just have a granola bar." She went into the pantry, grabbed a granola bar and then went up to her room. Hayden finished his dinner and left, the plate still on the table. I sighed. I had a few spoonfuls of mac-n-cheese and then cleaned up. After finishing cleaning up, I went up to my room where I lay on the bed, staring at the ceiling. If I could, would I go back in time and change what happened with me and Julia? Sometimes, I want to, whereas others, I don't. I don't know why, but I guess this is what was meant to happen. We grew apart and something big had to let us see that. Still, looking back at it, the fight was stupid. The thing is, I meant every word I said, I can probably say the same for her. If we thought these things about each other, how are we really friends?

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