Sad Quote

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Boy. -----------------------------------------Girl

I saw her today. ---------------------------I saw him today.

It seems like it has been forever. --------I wonder if he still cares.

She looks better than before. ------------I couldn't stop staring at him.

I asked her how she was doing. ---------I asked about his new girlfriend.

I'd pick her over any girl im with. -------He's probably really happy now.

I can't even look at her without crying. -He couldn't even look at me.

I told her that I miss her. -----------------He didn't mean it.

I meant it. ----------------------------------He doesn't mean it.

I love her. -----------------------------------He loves his new girlfriend.

I held her for the last time. ---------------He gave me a friendly hug.

Then i went home and cried. -------------Then I went home and cried.

I lost her. ------------------------------------I love him.

(By the way you have to read across ^^^ )


You see that girl, she looks so happy right? Telling jokes, smiling, having a great time and ...............

Dying inside.

She's hurt.

And tired.

Tired of all the drama, tired of not being good enough, tired of life. But she doesn't want to look weak, dramatic and attention seeking. So she keeps it all inside. Acts like everything's perfect but cries at night. So everybody thinks she's the happiest person they know. That she has no problems and her life is perfect. If only they knew the truth......


I tell people I'm tired but in fact I'm depressed.

I tell people I'll be fine tomorrow but I know, tomorrow will be worse.

I tell lies everyday and I know, I'll not be able to stop it by myself.


Authors Note

Just to let everyone know. I am not depressed. I just like the quotes because they are deep and have a meaning to them unlike happy ones which are just like yay everything is perfect and don't worry if you believe everything will be fine.

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