Sad Quotes

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Your heart isn't plastic, and it isn't a toy, but if you want it broken, GIVE IT TO A BOY !!

(A.N don't know if I've already posted these?)


Absence makes the heart grow fonder, until it stops beating. Getting ripped out of the chest tends to have that effect.


Go ahead. Kiss her.

I hope she bites your lip and you choke on the blood.


Got heartache ?

There's a Taylor swift song for that.


It's amazing how someone can break your heart and you still love them with every broken piece of it.


The deepest feelings are shown in silence.


Treat me like some joke,

I'll leave you like its funny


That moment when you actually feel the pain in your chest

From seeing or hearing something

That breaks your heart..


You went away.

Took my heart.

I dropped a tear

And died that night.


Heartbreak is hard but loving someone who doesn't love you is harder.


Love is like falling down.

In the end, you're left hurt, scared, and with the memory of it forever.


My plan is to forgive & forget.

Forgive myself for being stupid & forget you ever existed.


Sometimes, I miss you.

Then I remember what a jerk you were and how awesome I am.

And then I'm like,

"Nah. I'm good."


If someone breaks your heart, just punch them in the face.


Punch them in the face and go get some ice cream.


Maybe it's not about trying to fix something broken.

Maybe it's starting over and creating something better.


Taylor Swift sings what every girl wants to say.

Bruno Mars sings what every girl wants to hear.


You still love him don't you ?

It's not a love or like, but it's not a hate.

That's what I don't get.


Eventually you stop caring.

Eventually it stops being the most important thing in your life.


I don't miss you, I miss the person I thought you were...


Forget what hurt you but don't forget what it taught you.


It's easier to say your mad than to admit you're hurt.


Over & Over

I tried

& Over & Over

You lied

& Over & Over

I cried

And I don't know why..


When your ex says

"you'll never find anyone like me"

Just smile :D and reply

"That's the point".



Done. Thanks for all the reads, it's amazing !!! Bye

Tasha xx

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