Chapter 27

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Jennifer pushed aside the branches of the neatly trimmed bush outside of the Spencer Tower. "Bingo," she said as she picked up the two tickets.

"How did Isobel manage to get in without tickets or a name on the list?" asked Austin.

She handed him his ticket. "With Isobel? She has dozens of different scams she could run to get in this building. What would you run if you weren't trying to get caught?"

"Me? Probably sneak in with a secret smoker. They're normally so embarrassed about sneaking a few puffs that they don't pay attention to who slips in with them. What about you?"

"Fundraisers are populated by genuinely good people and horrible people trying to feel better. I just find one of the horrible ones and tell them that an agency sent me as a gift."

"You little whore. That makes me so proud."

Jennifer let out a laugh as she considered him. "This is strange."

He intertwined his arm with hers and led her to the entrance of the fundraiser. "A little strange is good for you."

"Tell me, Austin. Have you ever been with someone who knew who you were? Because I haven't. Not once did anyone know what I did for a living. My most serious relationship thought I was an art appraiser."

"I used that one while dating once. It really does explain all the travel and fancy clothes."

"So does this mean I'm your first?"

"You're my first honest relationship. If by honest, you mean that we lied continuously to each other when we first met."

"Which was only a few days ago," she reminded him.

"A long few days." They reached the building and his grip on her arm tightened. "You ready for this?"

"To walk into a room where we know there are people who want us dead and we're about to announce our presence? Sure. I'm totally ready."

"Face it, Jennifer. I'm the only person who will find lies like that utterly sexy."

Toni had given them the specs of the Spencer Tower. It was seventeen stories tall, fifteen above ground and two belowground. The building was mostly office space and amenities for the workers of the building. There were a few retail stores in the first level. So getting into the building was easy, but the elevators could be programmed on a day-to-day basis. For tonight, the elevators only went to the floor of the fundraiser. If anyone wanted to use the stairwell to get to any floors besides the lobby or the elevator for anything else, they'd need a keycard.

The atrium probably would've been impressive to most people. The glass windows went up for all fifteen floors; it was accented by a waterfall over the bottom two levels and light could enter above to illuminate hanging glass sculptures of blue, reds, yellows, and purples.

Except for Austin. All that glass meant it was easier to be seen.

The fundraiser was on the third level, and the signs, along with a few other partygoers trickling in, led the way. When they reached the third level, there was a folding table with two elderly women checking tickets. Behind them, standing off to the side, were two men in matching blue blazers and wires coming over their ears that signaled them as security.

"Hello," one of the women said cheerfully as they approached. "Tickets and names, please."

They both produced their tickets and Jennifer said, "Jennifer Murray and Austin Miles."

The woman looked over her list and frowned. "Hmm...I'm not seeing an Austin Miles."

Jennifer and Austin didn't make eye contact. She knew if they looked too worried, security would take note. "I'm sure he's there," said Jennifer. "I think he was a late addition, if that makes any difference."

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