(exo)Kai x reader comfort

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You were a new student to a school that you didn't know anyone in exept your bff luna who wasn't much of a friend anymore because you caught her kissing your bf so pretty much the whole way to school was you crying

-at school-

"Okay class we have a new student you may enter (y/n)"

"Hello I am (y/n) (l/n) pleased to meet you I hope we can get along and make friends"She said smiling fakly eyes still red from crying

"Ok I am miss.haruka please sit next to Kai please raise your hand mister"

You saw a cute guy raising his hand and you just sat there blushing as you took a seat next to him

"Are you alright you seem to be crying earlier and you were not smiling naturly"

"Yeah it's just that my best friend made my boyfriend cheat on me with her and I saw them kissing this morning"

"Don't worry there are better guys out there in always a choice"he said adding a wink

"So what you saw friends?"


(Little did you know that you would start to have feelings for the same guy who was a flirt and your new best friend)

-part 2 coming soon-

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