A Fine Day

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Applejack trotted along the path through the many apple trees, her wagon on her back full of empty baskets ready to be filled with juicy red apples. The sun was shining, the pegasi had cleared the skies just for the Apple family that day, to make for the perfect harvest day. Applejack got right to work, setting up the wooden buckets under each tree, full of heavy red apples that looked so very delicious. Once that job was done, the orange pony worked her strong back legs to begin bucking the apples out of the trees and into the baskets. Every once in a while she may have taken a bite or two out of a juicy one, but there were still plenty to go around. She collected as many apples as she could fit in the wooden buckets, until she was finally interrupted by a familiar squeal. "Oh Applejack darling! You must hear the news!" It was Rarity, and the white unicorn made her way right next to Applejack almost as quickly as the earth pony delivered her last buck. "Oh hey, what's up Rarity?" Applejack tried to sound friendly to her friend. "Why- I just got the most divine job opportunity! Sparkling Diamonds wants me to be her top designer! Isn't this just so wonderful dear?!!" The white unicorn continued to blabber about how she was going to be a top designer for some rich fashion pony called Sparkling Diamonds or whatever, but something caught the apple horse's ear. "Wait- say that last bit again?" AJ said to Rarity. "I'll need a portion of your farm to set up a new shop, er, more of a workshop to do my work dear. I'll need about an acre or two, cut down some of those trees and-" the unicorn was then cut off by Applejack saying no to the idea, a bit too angrily. "Excuse me?" Rarity looked puzzled. "Rarity, no. There is no way I am gonna let you use a part a' our farm for your fashion business. This farm is my family's life work, i could never cut down a single tree unless it's dead or not an apple tree." Rarity looked a bit disappointed with Applejacks response. "Perhaps I could- use that plot of land right up there for a bit?" She pointed to an empty plain up on a small hill with a single tree sitting up on it, the land was unkempt and looked unused, perfect for Rarity to use. "Never really use that land... oh alright. I'll have to ask Granny first though, and if she says no, no means no! Got it?" Applejack said, immediately turning back to the house. Rarity followed AJ into her home, and luckily for the unicorn, Granny Smith granted her access to the empty plot of land on the hill, excitement rose in her eyes and sparks literally flew at the tip of her horn. She thanked Applejack and Granny with a shower of hugs and kisses and thank you's, so much until her voice was almost lost. The next day, Rarity got the local construction ponies to build her a two story hut atop the hill, almost identical to her original home in the heart of Ponyville. The workshop was built within two days, it was a her carbon copy of Rarity's boutique home, except she had added a "country flare" to it. Applejack quite liked the company of the little home on the hill, it made it less empty and gave her the comfort of knowing Rarity was at work up there, able to see out and think of her whenever. Rarity was practically an apple for the first few days of her workshop being there, until a large carriage showed up in front of the family's farm at breakfast time.

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