Meeting Dad

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Meanwhile on the icy planet of Contraxia, a favourite retreat of the Ravagers, Yondu was inside his room, with a yellow robotic woman. Then one of his officers called him to come downstairs. He took his clothes, put them on and met up with the other Ravagers. As he went downstairs he noticed a former friend of his - Stakar Ogord, who had exiled him after Yondu had delivered many children - including Peter, who he had kept. Yondu approached his former friend. 'Stakar,' he said. Stakar turned towards him. Yondu then did the Ravager salute. 'It's been some time.' Yondu said. Stakar looked at Yondu with disgust. 'It seems like this establishment is the wrong type of disreputable.' he said before turning away. 'Stakar!' Yondu called out. 'There's a hundred Ravager factions.' Stakar said. 'You just lost the business of 99 of them by serving one.' 'Please, sir, please!' his date said as he walked away. 'Get away from me,' Stakar replied. Yondu felt a great anger swelling up inside him, and smashed his drink. 'YOU CAN GO TO HELL THEN!' Yondu shouted. 'I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT YOU THINK OF ME!' 'So what are you following us for?' Stakar replied, turning around. 'BECAUSE YOU'RE GONNA LISTEN TO WHAT I'M GONNA SAY!' Yondu yelled. 'I ain't gonna listen to nothing!' Stakar shouted back. 'You betrayed the code! Ravagers don't deal in kids!' 'I told you before, I didn't know what was going on!' Yondu said. 'You didn't know because you didn't want to know because it made you rich!' Stakar replied. 'I demand a seat at the table!' Yondu shouted. 'I wear these flames, same as you!' 'You may dress like us,' Stakar said, 'but you'll never hear the Horns of Freedom when you die, Yondu. And the Colours of Ogord will never flash over your grave!'
He pulled Yondu closer to him and lowered his tone. 'If you think I take pleasure in exiling you,' Stakar whispered, 'you're wrong. You broke all our hearts.' Stakar and his group walked away, leaving Yondu alone. Meanwhile, a jealous Ravager with long hair and a horrifically scarred face, sat with another group. 'Ah pathetic,' he sneered. 'First, Quill betrays us and Yondu just lets him go scot-free. We followed him because he was the one who wasn't afraid to do what needed to be done. Seems like he's going soft.' Kraglin was stood with the man. 'If he's so soft,' Kraglin replied, 'then why are you whispering for?' 'You know I'm right Kraglin,' the man replied. 'You best be careful what you say about our captain.' another Ravager warned.
'Who the hell is that?' another Ravager said as a group of Sovereign, including Ayesha, approached Yondu. 'Yondu Udonta,' Ayesha said, 'I have a proposition for you.'

Meanwhile on Berhert, Peter, the Doctor, River, their friends and Ego were sat around a campfire as night fell. 'I hired Yondu to pick you up when your mother passed away.' Ego said, 'But instead of returning you, Yondu kept you. I have no clue as to why.' 'Well, I'll tell you why,' Peter replied. 'Because I was a skinny little kid who could squeeze into places adults couldn't. It made it easier for thieving.' 'Well, I've been trying to track you down ever since.' Ego said. 'I thought Yondu was your father.' Drax said. 'What?' Peter said. 'We've been together this whole time and you thought Yondu was my actual blood relative?' 'You look exactly alike!' Drax said. 'But one of them's blue!' Rocket said. 'Yondu is not my father,' Peter said, 'Yondu is the guy who abducted me, kicked the crap out of me so I could learn how to fight, and kept me in terror by threatening to eat me!' 'Eat you?' Ego said, 'Oh that son of a bitch!'
'I know what that feels like, Peter.' River said darkly. 'What do you mean?' the Doctor asked. 'Spoilers.' River said. 'How'd you locate us now?' Gamora asked. 'Well,' Ego began, 'even where I reside, out past the edge of what's known, we've heard tell about the man they call Star-Lord. And you, Doctor. What say we head out there right now? Your associates are welcome, even that triangle faced monkey over there. I promise you, it's unlike any other place you've ever seen. There, I can explain your very special heritage, and finally get to be the father I've always wanted to be.' 'Is your planet bigger on the inside?' the Doctor said. 'No,' Ego said. 'You are also a rarity. The last of the Time Lords. It's a pleasure to meet you. You can bring your TARDIS if you like, as I have always been fascinated by Gallifreyan heritage.' 'Thank you.' the Doctor replied. 'Excuse me,' Ego said, 'I gotta take a wiss.'
Everyone just sat in silence for a moment. 'I'm not buying it,' Peter said. Gamora looked at him. 'Let's take a walk.' she said. 'I'll come with you,' the Doctor said. 'River, stay here.'
Whilst this happened, River decided to get to know her new friends. 'So how do you know the Doctor?' Rocket said. 'I'm from his future.' River said, 'we keep meeting in the wrong order.' 'But how is that possible?' Drax said. 'Well, we're both time travellers.' River replied. 'I use this.' She showed her wrist to Rocket Raccoon. 'What is that?' he asked. 'It's a vortex manipulator,' River said, 'a portable time travel device. Basically a TARDIS on your wrist, but not as comfortable.' 'Cool,' Rocket said, smiling. 'Who are you, anyway?' River asked the other woman who was feeling shy. 'I am Mantis,' the woman replied, in a shy, innocent voice. She then weirdly smiled at Drax. 'What are you doing?' Drax asked. 'Smiling,' Mantis replied, 'I hear it is the thing to do to make people like you.' 'Not if you do it like that,' Drax said. 'Oh,' Mantis said, 'I was raised alone on Ego's planet. I do not understand the intricacies of social interaction.' Mantis looked at Rocket. 'Can I pet your puppy?' she asked. 'It is adorable.' Drax then paused for a moment. 'Yes,' he said, giggling. Mantis then tried to stroke Rocket but he turned around and bit her finger. Mantis lurched away in pain, as Drax began laughing while River gave him a dirty look. 'That is called a practical joke!' Drax laughed, which caused Mantis and River to start laughing. 'I liked it very much.' Mantis said. 'I just made it up!' Drax replied. Nebula rolled her eyes at them as they laughed.

Meanwhile, Peter, Gamora and the Doctor were walking through the woods. 'Give me a break,' Peter said, 'after all this time, you're gonna show up, and all of a sudden you wanna be my dad?'  'I hear you,' Gamora said. 'And by the way,' Peter continued, 'this could be a trap. The Kree purists, the Ravagers, the Sovereign and the Daleks all want us dead.' 'That last one is because of me,' the Doctor said, 'Well they want all life except for them dead anyway.' 'I know but-' Gamora began. 'But what?' Peter replied. 'What was that story you told me about Zardu Hasselfrau?' Gamora asked. 'Who?' Peter said. 'He owned a magic boat?' Gamora said. 'I think you mean David Hasselhoff.' the Doctor said. 'Yep,' Gamora said. 'Not a magic boat. A talking car.' 'Why did he talk again?' Gamora said. 'To help him fight crime and be supportive,' Peter said, 'A bit like your box, Doctor.' 'Oh yes,' the Doctor said, 'I remember Knight Rider. I looked very different when it was on.'
'As a child,' Gamora said, 'you would carry his picture in your pocket, and you would tell all the other children, that he was your father, but that he was out of town.' 'Shooting Knight Rider, or touring with his band in Germany.' Peter said. 'I told you that when I was drunk, why are you bringing that up now?' 'Well your dad did just appear.' the Doctor said. 'I love that story.' Gamora said. 'We were all extremely tipsy, you only loved it because you were drunk, admit it.' the Doctor said. 'I hate that story.' Peter said, sighing. 'It's so sad and cringey! As a kid, I used to see all the other kids off playing catch with their dad, and I wanted that more than anything in the world! Even you, Doctor, you had a proper childhood on what's your home planet called again?' 'Gallifrey,' the Doctor replied. 'Gallifrey, that's it.' Peter said. 'That's my point, Peter.' Gamora said. 'What if this man is your Hasselhoff?' She paused for a moment, and the trio held hands. 'Listen,' Gamora said, 'if he ends up being evil, we'll just kill him.' They looked at each other in worry, before heading to the TARDIS to go to sleep.

The next morning, Peter, the Doctor, Gamora and Drax were preparing to leave with Ego and Mantis to see Ego's planet. Rocket, Groot and River decided to stay behind and perform repairs to the ship, guarding Nebula. The Doctor then materialised his TARDIS, containing all of his luggage, aboard Ego's ship. He then walked out of the ship to check if the others were ready. 'You're leaving me with that fox?!' Nebula snapped. 'He's not a fox.' Gamora said. 'Shoot her if she does anything suspicious, or if you feel like it.' She then came to a sad Groot. 'Hey,' she whispered to him. 'It'll be just a couple of days. We'll be back before Rocket and River have finished fixing the ship.' The Doctor and River had a moment together. 'River,' he said, 'keep an eye on the others, and don't do anything stupid. We'll be back when we can.' 'That's fine, my love,' River said. They embraced before the Doctor joined the others. 'What if the Sovereign come?' Drax asked. 'There's no way for them to know we're here let's go.' 'I'm uncertain about parting ways.' Drax said. 'God, you're like an old woman,' Peter said. 'Because I'm wise?' Drax replied. 'The Doctor can be wise without sounding like an old woman.' Peter said. 'The thing is though Peter,' the Doctor said. 'even though you can't see it, I am an old man now. No time to explain.' 'Why do you have so much luggage?' Gamora asked. 'I don't want Groot playing with my things.' Drax replied. Peter turned towards Rocket. 'I hope Daddy isn't as much of a dick as you, orphan boy.' Rocket sneered. Peter rolled his eyes. 'What is your goal here?' Peter replied. 'To get everyone to hate you? Because it's working.' 'I think it will do you both good to stay apart for a few days.' the Doctor said. 'Yeah,' Peter replied.
And then the four of them walked towards Ego's ship, where Ego and Mantis stood waiting for them, with Ego welcoming them with open arms, as they took off and headed to his planet.

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