Part 2

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I haven't done much so far today. Its Saturday so I slept until 10 and have been watching cartoons with Johnny and Olivia whilst texting Meg. I get a call from an unknown number and frown, answering it.

"Hello?" I ask, confused. I have the number of everyone I know.
"Gavin. I know you're in love with Michael so I'm going to come right out and say it. Michael is my boyfriend, we're dating, and he's mine. I know what you're trying to do. You think if he sees you with Meg then he'll get jealous and leave me, but he wont. Michael doesn't even like you, he told me he finds you annoying and he said your accent gets on his nerves and he basically hates you. Leave Michael alone, Gavin. Bye." Lindsay rants at me before hanging up, leaving me in a state of pure confusion and shock. Michael didn't say that, he's my best friend, my boi. He wouldn't say those things about me, would he? I need to call him. I dial Michaels number and after the third ring he answers.

"Hey, Micool-" I start but am cut off by Lindsay.
"Gavin. I told you to leave him alone. He doesn't like you." She says and I frown. She's with Michael, and he doesn't leave his phone alone so he must be with her. That means he knows what she said which means it's true.
"Sorry." I mutter before hanging up and running upstairs to my room. I slam the door shut and throw my phone on my bed before letting the tears fall rapidly down my face. I collapse on my bed and sob into my pillow. I hear my phone ring and see Michael is calling me, probably to make sure I got the message. I reject the call just as Geoff calls me.

"Hey buddy." He says once I've answered and I can't help the sob that escapes my mouth. "Geoff," I whisper into the phone.
"Gavin what happened?" He asks immediately and I let out a chocked sob.
"Geoff." I mumble again and he immediately goes into overprotective brother mode.
"I'll be there in a sec." He says before hanging up. I walk over to my window and sit on the windowsill, leaning against the wall behind me. I see Geoff leave his house, as my room is at the front of the house, and jog over to my house. After a few seconds I hear a knock on my door and he opens it without waiting for a response. He looks around my room before his gaze falls on me and he walks over, wrapping his arms around me.
"Gavver what's wrong?" He asks and I grab his shirt in my fists.
"Mi- Micool." I mutter, choking on a sob, and Geoff tightens his grip on me.
"What about Michael? What did he do?" Geoff asks and I bite my lip. If I tell Geoff he'll get angry with Michael.
"Gavin what happened?" He asks and I sigh, if I don't tell him he'll get angry with me, and I can't have Geoff be mad at me.
"He- Lindsay called and told me to stay away from Micool and that he hates me, and I called Micool to ask what the fuck just happened and Lindsay picked up and said it again." I mumble and by the end of it Geoff looks a mixture of confusion and pure rage.
"But Michael never leaves his phone." He says and I nod.
"I know." I say and he frowns.
"So he must have been with Lindsay. I thought he was your best friend?" He asks and I shrug.
"Apparently not." I mutter and he grabs my hand, pulling me up.
"Geoff where are we going?" I ask as he drags me out of my room.
"You're coming round mine and you aren't leaving until you are smiling that stupid smile and talking like an annoying Brit." He says and I smile slightly. Geoff doesn't let go of my hand until we're in his room, probably so I don't try and escape. I sit on his bed and he chucks me a controller before putting on peggle. This game is guaranteed to get a smile.

We play for around an hour, during which I do laugh and use many britishisms, to Geoffs joy. After a while Geoff gets a text from Ryan asking if we wanna go round, I'm assuming he saw us both playing the same game and assumed we're together. Geoff looks at me questioningly and I shrug, nodding. He smiles and replies to Ryan before turning off the Xbox.
"I should go tell my mum and grab my phone." I say and he nods. We walk over to my house and I grab my phone and keys before saying bye to mum and walking the 5 minute walk to Ryan's house.

We walk into his bedroom and I see that Michael and Lindsay are already there, sitting on the bed, leaning against the head board. There's a space next to Michael and I would usually sit next to him, but fuck it. Geoff places his hand on my back and leads me over to the sofa and I sit next to him, as far away from Michael as possible so Geoff is blocking him from me. Ryan looks at us confused but Geoff gives him a look telling him not to mention it. Jack arrives after a few awkward minutes and sits next to Geoff on the sofa and Ray arrives and fills the space next to Michael. He looks at me concerned and I shake my head. Controllers are handed out and we decide on a game of worms. Jokes are made and laughs are had, but I don't join in with the happiness or the conversation. Lindsay keeps smirking at me when Michael isn't looking and stops when he turns to smile at her. Michael wont even look in my direction.
"Come on Gav, forget about it. Have some fun." Geoff whispers to me and I sigh, shaking my head.

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