Part 6

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Warning- use of really offensive words about LGBT+ so if that's a trigger then please don't read this. Also I am 100% not against LGBT+ people and if you think any of the offensive words used in this chapter are okay then just fuck off because I don't want you here


The next few days go pretty much the same as that Tuesday and before I know it me and the guys, along with Griffon and Barbara who are staying for a few hours, are walking through my front door on Friday afternoon ready for a weekend of gaming, films and laughter. We take it in turns almost every weekend and it's my turn this week. We walk up to my room and chuck our bags on the floor by the wardrobe before lounging around on my bed. I let the guys pick a film to put on whilst I lie back, leaning against my headboard and Michaels hand clutches mine. An hour into the film I hear the doorbell ring and think nothing of it until I hear a deep voice. I immediately grab the Xbox controller and pause the film, sitting up straight.
"You alright Gav?" Geoff asks, being the most protective over me and noticing straight away something is wrong. I shake my head and shush him. I can hear Johnny downstairs, he's the only one home as mum went shopping with Olivia and I said I'd watch Johnny, and that is definitely my dad's voice.
"Gav?" Geoff asks again, all the guys watching me carefully and all on high alert. I hear footsteps and Johnny rushes into my room looking terrified.
"Gav-" he starts and I cut him off.
"I know buddy, go sit with Griffon." I say, starting to get up when my dad walks into my bedroom, looking around before his gaze falls on me and a look of disgust appears. I know everyone immediately knows why I'm so on edge and Johnny is so scared, they know what my dad did many years ago and about his visit on Monday.

I stand up from the bed, my hands shaking slightly, and Geoff stands next to me for support but the others, apart from Michael who is next to me on my left, are just sat watching, ready to jump up if I need help. Johnny is sat with Barbara and Ray, terrified. And I don't blame him. Our dad has a lot of muscles and tattoos and is a bit shorter than me but I'm 6 foot so he's still huge to an 11 year old and is terrifying as fuck and can definitely beat me to death effortlessly, but the six of us could take him which is why I am so glad the guys are here.
"What do you want?" I ask, trying to sound confident but my hands are shaking. Michael can sense I am about to have a breakdown or something and grabs my hand for support. My dad's eyes immediately snap to our linked hands and the look of disgust deepens and mixes with pure hatred.
"You're still a poof." He states and the words sting like a stab in the chest.
"You're still an arsehole." I state and Ryan, Jack and Ray stand up and walk over so they're stood behind me because this is usually when my dad starts punching.
"So, this is your faggot boyfriend." He spits, as if the words are poison. Michaels hand loosens and I know he wants to hit my dad just for calling me a poof, he doesn't care about being called bad words but he, like Geoff, is protective. I squeeze his hand tighter and he squeezes back to let me know he won't let go.
"Why are you here?" I ask quietly.
"I was going to bring you back to England, but I don't want a faggot for a son, so I'm just taking Johnny and my daughter instead." He says and I can feel Johnny push past Ray and press himself to my back, his hands gripping my shirt. I can't help but fight against this. He isn't taking them from me.
"I don't think so." I say and my dad raises an eyebrow.
"Well maybe we should ask him." Dad says before adding, "Johnny, come back to England with your dad, yeah? You don't want to stay with this queer, do you?" He tells him rather than asking him and I feel Johnny move to beside me. I notice Ryan has his hand on Johnny's shoulder, ready to push him out of the way in case punches start being thrown so he won't get hit.
"I wanna stay with Gav." He mumbles, his voice shaking. My dad glares at me.
"You turned my son against me. I'm going to make you regret that, you fucking fag!" My dad spits and I flinch at the venom behind his words. Michaels grip on my hand tightens and my dads' gaze zeros in on it again.
"I think it's best if you left." Geoff says, his voice strong and confident with the hint of a threat.
"I don't think I asked for your opinion. I came here to pick up my kids, I'm not leaving without them." Dad says and Geoff moves in front of me slightly.
"I wasn't asking, Mr. Jackson." He says and my dad glares at him, a look that I know too well and even though it isn't directed at me I still can't help but shrink into myself. Geoff just reminded him that we took our mums maiden name when Dad left and he hates the fact that we did that.
"Johnny go and pack a bag." Dad says and Johnny doesn't move from slightly behind me, frozen on the spot apart from his hand which has found my right hand and is holding on for dear life.
"JOHNNY!" My dad barks and Johnny shakes his head slightly.
"Johnny go and sit with Barbara." I mumble and he nods, reluctantly letting go of my hand and walking past Ryan to Barbara and Griffon on the other side of my room.

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