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Let me love you


Taehyung listened but couldn't understand fully what Dr. Yoon Yura was saying.

He heard once, anything said before a 'but' was pure bullsh-t.

And he thought, they were probably right.

"She's not waking up...the next twenty four hours are critical, if she doesn't regain consciousness within that time frame..." Yura looked at Jin and Taehyung weighing her next words carefully, "She'll be in a permanent coma."

Tae had to sit up. He lost strength in his legs. Sujin was still in danger.

"Couldn't you do something to induce her consciousness like...can you inject her with a medicine and stuff?" Seokjin was worried. He glanced at Tae and his dongsaeng was about to lose it. "Yura...please...this is Tae's sister--"

"Jin." Yura pulled him close, "We did everything medically possible to help her. Now if she will wake up depends entirely on her. I'm really s--"

"Don't." Taehyung stopped her from dropping that word 'sorry'. "She's gonna wake up...I know she will."

He was in tears again.

"You have not seen...what kind of hell she's been through...she's gonna get through this--I know she can." Tae buried his face in his palms and Seokjin sat next to him.

He had to convince himself somehow that his noona could make it.

He had to believe in her.

"She will wake up. We will stay here with her until she does." Seokjin put an arm over him and hugged him close.

Inside her head, Sujin was having a dream.

She was in a train station.

There was no else in the platform. Just her and a train approaching to where she was. It stopped and the doors opened.

She stepped in and looked around. She was the only passenger. She had no idea where it was going, she just sat there quietly and stared out the window.

When the train stopped, someone announced it was the last station. The doors opened yet again and Sujin stepped out.

There was some sort of diner in front of her.


It read

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It read. There were fuzzy lights in the doorway and she realized that they were calling her, asking her to go in.

There was a waitress on the counter but she appeared like she didn't even notice Sujin at all.

There was also a janitor mopping the floor, but like the waitress, he couldn't see Sujin too.

At the far end seat, a woman raised her hand and waived at Sujin.

Where Angels Fall (BTS fanfic) #BEYONDTHEREALITY17Where stories live. Discover now