Dick Pov (finally)

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We were fighting Joker. 

We as in the team. Me, Wally, Artemis and the rest. 

Henchmen were everywhere. But frankly, I was underwhelmed. 

Soon I was fighting Joker with all the henchmen knocked out. I was about get hit with one of his knives when Joker was knocked over. 

My first thought was, wow,  Joker must be really light. Than I thought what the f**k. Not that I said it out loud or anything. I was just really surprised. 

A woman about 20 snarled at him. 

"Don't you dare touch him" She snarled. "He's my prize"

 I must be very famous I thought. Wait a second. She said I was her prize. 

S**t. Whoa. Alfred would have had a heart attack by now if he knew how much I was cursing in my head. 

Anyway, I stared at the girl/woman in front of me. Who was she. As far as I knew I never met her. 

Joker looked at her like she was insane. No, that was him. I think he got it all mixed up. Or was she crazy too?  "You think he is yours. No he is my prize. My enemy. My play toy." He growled.

She laughed. God that sent shivers down my spine. Then drew a sword out of nowhere. It had blended in perfectly with her outfit. It was completely black and wicked sharp. I heard a sharp intake of breath from my teammates behind me. 

What was going on?

Suddenly, Wally stepped up from behind me. "I don't know who you are or what you want from Robin, but I won't let you take him." He spat out.

"Aww. look at that." She said with this sweet voice. It hardened. "Looks like birdy got a boyfriend. I guess I will cut him down to." She advanced on me. She swung her sword. 

Then froze. "Guess your little mentor is here birdy. Don't worry, I'll get you next time." She let out a cold laugh and disappeared into the shadows. 

Leaving us staring after her is a mixture of horror and confusion. 

Who was she why did she want to take me so badly? 

Batman stepped out of the shadows and put a hand on my shoulder. 

Glaring at the spot the lady was before. I ask again in my head. What was going on??!!!!

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