Batman POV

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I crashed through the window just in time to see a woman about 20 peer over the edge. 

She smirked "See you around, Batsy," and then jumped out the window.

 I ran to the edge from where she jumped. 


I growled. 

She had just taken a 10 million dollar gem.


And I had nothing on her. 

I looked at the wall which she had blown up. 

In spray paint, on the wall, painted in red was one word: Danger. 

We had a new villain in town. 

And it looks like she knows what she was doing. 

But who was she?

And why did she choose Gotham and appear out of the blue? 

I swung out on a grappling hook. 


Was there anyone ever called Danger?

My com crackled. 

"Master Bruce. I believe it is time that you must return to the Batcave." 

"On my way" 


Who are you Danger?

I drove the batmobile back to the cave. "Robin. Report."

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⏰ Last updated: May 19, 2018 ⏰

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