Chapter 2

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The man turned to look at me as I stood awkwardly in the entryway, waiting for Minnie to notice me. She finally did, and gestured for me to sit. "Hey hon, I'm just finishing up here, why don't you take a seat. This is Professor Albus Dumbledore, he's the Headmaster of the school I teach at." She turned back to the food, and I shuffled over to the seat next to the Headmaster. I reached for the letter, but stopped at the gentle "Tsk" noises the man next to me made.

"Lemon drop?" His eyes twinkled merrily as he leaned over and conspiratorially offered me a piece of candy. I cringed away, but then Minerva whirled and pointed a stern finger at him.

"Albus Dumbledore! Don't you dare ruin this girl's appetite before breakfast is even served! You are here as a guest and you will behave accordingly."

He smirked, and she set a plate piled high with my favorite breakfast: French toast, sausage, and scrambled eggs. My eyes immediately narrowed. I only got my favorite when it was a special occasion, which this was not, or when something was wrong. She plastered on a smile, one that was begging me not to question this. I shrugged, knowing better than to look a gift horse in the mouth.

After breakfast, I helped my aunt clear the dishes. Once we finished that, she sat me back down, this time across from her and Dumbledore. My eyes flicked down to the letter, and almost as though she read my mind, Minnie reached for it. My eyes widened as it shot into her hand, before she even touched it. I stood up and my mind flicked through all the times I had done something similar.

She gave me a look that said Hush I'll explain, just wait. She opened the letter and began to read:

My Dear Maia,

By now you are almost eleven. Such a magical age, when everything begins to change. You probably don't understand what I'm talking about, because I instructed Sirius and Minerva not to inform you of your heritage. I should explain. You are a witch, and you come from a magical lineage. Yes, magic is real. Now, what you don't know is that there was a dark wizard. Very dark. He became obsessed with cheating death, and found a way he hoped would work. I hope that by the time you are reading this he has been defeated, but if not then I know Minnie has kept you safe. The dark wizard's name is Voldemort, and he was my father. I was a secret, and no one knew of my existence. I was supposed to be his secret heir, but his plan backfired. I rebelled against him and his ways, and I fell in love with your father. Your father's name is Sirius Black. However, to keep you hidden, we had you use my father's name, to hide you in plain sight. I know this won't explain everything, but I hope it helps aid in your understanding. I never meant to keep all of this from you, I just wanted to protect you. If you have any questions, ask Minnie, or your father, if he isn't compromised.

I love you so much, and I miss you. I wish you the best, and it breaks my heart that I can't be there to see you grow into the amazing young woman I know you will be.

Warmest Regards,

Aurora Riddle-Black, your mother.

I sat back, my mouth opening and closing like a fish. I looked at my aunt in amazement. Then I turned to the Professor and cocked my head. "So, not to be rude, but where do you fit into all of this?"

He chuckled and reached into his cloak and pulled out an envelope with a deep red wax seal on the back. On the front, it was addressed to me, down to which bedroom I slept in. He handed it over to me and I turned it over in my hands. Finally, I ripped it open and began to read.


I set it down, my mind reeling from all the information I had just taken in. I looked up at Minerva, who had on her poker face. I never could see through it before, and it wasn't any different at that moment. I opened my mouth, then closed it again, at a loss for what to say. So instead I just stood and fled back up to my room.

I rushed inside and closed the door, flopping onto my bed. I lay there, trying to absorb all this new knowledge about who I am. I'm a witch. All those strange things that happened when I was younger, it must have been magic. I shake my head. If what my mother wrote is true, then maybe my dream is a memory. I think back on it more, but before I could try and remember the dream, there was a knocking on my door. "Come in." I didn't even have to look up to know it was my aunt who stuck her head through the door.

"Honey, I know this is a lot to take in, but there's some more stuff you should know..." She trailed off.

I finished where she stopped. "Like where my dad is? I noticed he was mentioned in the letter, but," I gestured around me, "No dad. So, do I have to go out there to have you and my new headmaster explain to me where he is?" She sighed and ran her hand down her face. I took that as a yes and stood to follow her out.

Once we made it downstairs, I saw the Headmaster sitting casually at the table, sipping tea and chowing down on his 'creepercandy' as I have now dubbed it. I sat across from him and Minerva once more. I folded my hands and began to listen to them tell the story of what happened.

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