Fatal Attraction [3/3]

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Nisa smiled at herself in the full-length mirror, adoring the way she looked in her tight black dress.

It was Saturday night and Nisa, Riley and some friends were going out on the town celebrate the end of midterms with margaritas. Well at least Nisa, who had aced all her midterms, was celebrating. Riley was more so mourning.

"Please tell me that's not what you're wearing," Riley said from across the room. She was already dressed, wearing jeans, sandals and a floral top.

"Why?" Nisa asked, turning just slightly to admire how perfectly the dress hugged her model-esque figure.

"It's just Dos Perros. Nobody dresses up."

"Well luckily," Nisa said, applying her lipstick, "I am not nobody."

Riley rolled her eyes, "Fine, whatever. Are you ready now at least?"

"One last thing," Nisa said, walking over to her jewelry box to pull out a diamond choker. "Now I'm ready."

Riley shook her head, grabbing her car keys.

The two arrived at the bar and scanned the crowd, looking for Riley's other two friends. When they couldn't find them they decided to sit down at the bar and order drinks while they waited. They'd barely been sitting more than 5 seconds when two guys approached them. The young men looked not too much older than they were. One was tall with blonde hair and the other was medium height with brown hair that was slicked back with an obscene amount of hair gel and they both wore shirts with Greek letters on them; fraternity boys.

"Would you pretty ladies like something to drink," said the tall blonde one asked. Riley stared at the him, awestruck, unable to form words. Nisa took the lead.

"We sure would, wouldn't we Riley," she smiled sweetly, nudging Riley.

Riley nodded.

"Nisa," she said holding out her hand to shake theirs and Riley followed suit. They learned that the blonde's name was Carter and the brown haired guy was named Justin.

"What do you drink?" Carter asked as Justin flagged down the bartender. "Vodka? Gin?"

Nisa looked at Riley, waiting for the girl to make a move but she stayed quiet.

"I'm more of a tequila kind of gal," Nisa said.

"So margaritas?" He grinned, leaning into her.

"You got it," she smiled.

When the bartender came over Carter ordered house margaritas for everyone.

"What should we cheers to?" Justin asked, holding up his glass.

"To passing midterms!" Nisa exclaimed, lifting her glass.

"Easy for you to say," Riley grumbled, "You're not the one failing A&P."


Three margaritas and two shots later - for Nisa at least, Riley only had the one drink since she was the designated driver for the night - Riley nudged Nisa's side, signaling that she had to go to the bathroom.

"Isn't Carter so hot?" Riley said, as soon as they were out of earshot of the boys.

"Yeah, I guess. If you're into blondes... which I'm not," Nisa teased.

"What kind of guys are you into then?"

Nisa was silent.

"Hello earth to Nisa?"

"Can I tell you a secret?"


"Promise you'll never tell anyone. As long as you live."

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