Mob Rules [1/3]

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"So you're telling me that not only have you not had sex in three years, but also that, in your 22 years of living, you have never once sucked a dick?" Ryan shouted incredulously.

"Never," Kayla said quietly. Her thick dark eyebrows knitted together, she looked slightly confused as to why her three friends were all staring at her with shocked faces.

Nisa and her medical school friends, Ryan, Kayla, and Matt were playing Never Have I Ever on a Wednesday evening with some cheap boxed wine that Ryan had picked up on his way to Matt's apartment, where they were all gathered now. Matt had attempted to eliminate the three by stating, "Never have I ever sucked dick," and failed, not expecting that Kayla, who was proving to be very inexperienced in the sex department, had also never done so.

"Okay, pause game," Ryan declared. "I have to get to the bottom of this."

Matt groaned. He was competitive - admittedly, as medical students, they all were -and it was a close game. He wanted to win.

Nisa hushed him, she wanted to hear this.

"Have you ever... received oral sex," Ryan's face twitched in disgust as he said the words. The thought of being that close to a woman's vagina repulsed him.

"No," Kayla answered honestly.

"Maybe your doctor boyfriend will let you ride his face," Nisa smirked. "They say white boys do it best." She was referring to the attractive attending surgeon who Kayla had been on a few dates with.

"Ride his face...?" Kayla repeated, more confused now than she had been before.

Nisa chuckled. By now she had come to think of Kayla somewhat like a younger sister. She was sweet and funny and maybe a little naive when it came to men. But that's what I'm here for, Nisa thought. She intended to teach her everything she knew.

"You know, just sit on him. Like..." she trailed off looking at Ryan, hoping to use him for demonstration purposes. But Ryan scrunched his face up, shaking his head vehemently. She looked at Matt who raised his eyebrows at her.

"Come on, do it for Kayla," Nisa said, trying to convince him. "It's a learning opportunity."

"Fine," he sighed, making a beckoning motion, gesturing for her to come over to him where he sat on the couch. Nisa jumped up off the floor excitedly. Physically, she was very attracted to Matt, a fact she tried desperately to ignore because he also happened to annoy the shit out of her. Not to mention she kinda sorta had a boyfriend.

Matt laid back on the couch and she climbed on top of him for the demonstration. She tried to think away the feelings of arousal she felt as Matt wrapped his arms around her thighs. "Like this," she said to Kayla who observed and nodded. Ryan smirked, watching them from his perch on the armchair.

"And I'll like that?" Kayla asked, her eyebrows raised skeptically as she watched Matt playfully push Nisa off of his face.

"You should, if he's any good," Nisa said, scooting over so that she was sitting next to Matt on the couch.

"Will he like it?"

"Some guys do. Others do it just to please," Matt answered.

"Just make sure you return the favor after," Ryan added.

"How do I know if he likes... you know... that," Kayla asked.

"Trust me, every guy likes to get their dick sucked," Matt laughed.

"Ain't that the truth," Ryan agreed, laughing along with him. He reached across to give Matt a high-five.

"Okay... well is there a certain way you're supposed to do it? Like what's he supposed to be doing during? Is he sitting? Standing? Laying down?" Kayla asked curiously.

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