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Stigma ( is a feature by which something/somebody is marked in a certain, mostly negative manner.): V carves the name Abraxas ( a God of good and bad) on a garage door and is caught by the police. Because he has given up his "life" he doesn't resist the police. In the police station he says that he don't have parents which means he is in the dark world. So he is beaten by the darkness. In his eyes the picture of a mother and a son is seen, he misses the good world. The police man drinks water, he remembers his father. His only place is his sister but she rejects/ doesn't talk to him (" Why are you like that to me" "I'm sorry, sister"). A white dog which means innocence and pureness goes to him and plays with V. He is happy but then he is going to be caught in a cage he can't escape from. The dog goes away, the good world almost disappears. Now his only hope is the telephone  he can call his friend with.

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