Real Love

18 0 0

You get out of the cab and you look up at the house in front of you. The cab driver walks around to the back of the car and helps you get your bags out of the trunk. You're standing there and hand him some cash and say,

"I'll be here for a while and you went far out of your way to bring me here so that is my way of saying thank you."

He says thanks and walks back around and gets into the cab and drives away. You pick up your backpack and move your long flame coloured hair and put the bag on your back. You adjust your hat and pick up your duffel bag and throw it over your right shoulder carefully to miss your wrist that you just happened to fracture before ending up here. You have your camera around your neck and your guitar standing next to you. You adjust your knee brace from the knee surgery that you had a month ago and pick up your guitar and head towards the front door. You stop in front of the door to Klean, the rehab facility that your mother put you in. You set your guitar down and ring the doorbell. You stand there waiting for someone to answer the door when you see it swing open and your see a guy about 5'9, a shirt with an eagle on it, some baggy sweats, brown boots, sunglasses, and drinking a coffee. He looks you up and down and says,

"Are you the new girl?"

You look at him and just look down at your feet and shyly nod your head. He steps to the side and waves his arm into the house and says,

"Welcome to Klean."

Your duffel bag slipped off your shoulder and fell to the ground and as you lean over to pick up the bag with your left hand you knock over your guitar case in the process. The guy is just standing there watching you struggle. You finally get your bag off the ground and pick up your guitar and make your way into the house. You walk into the living room and see a women walk in and she lights up and says,

"Hello, are you Y/N?"

The guy looks at her and says,

"Yeah, this is her. She doesn't talk much though"

You look at him in disbelief and turn towards the women and say,

"Hi yes, I'm Y/N. Sorry is there some place I can set my things? Its hard to carry things with a busted knee and a fractured wrist."
"Oh heavens, I'm sorry. Yes, Shannon can you show her to you guys' room."

Shannon, I guess his name is, starts walking away and he turns and nods his head for you to follow. You pick your guitar back up and follow him up the stairs. You make it to the top of the stairs and stop for a minute to catch your breath. He realizes you have stopped and walks back over to you and says,

"You okay flamey?"

You look up and him and say,

"Well considering I had knee surgery a month ago, fractured my wrist two weeks ago and my mother put me in rehab because I got a little addicted to my pain pills from my knee surgery and you are being no help.. I'm doing fan-fucking-tastic."

He looks at you surprised and takes your guitar from you and starts to walk towards the room and you follow behind him slowly. You stop in the doorway and are instantly surprised with how tidy it its. You step into the room and he has already set up your guitar on a walk hook by the end of what you assume is your bed. You walk in and set your bag down on the bed and you sit back against the headboard and prop your leg up. Shannon is sitting on his bed and he looks over at you and asks,

"So how long have you actually been addicted to pain pills?"

You look at him with a shocked face and say,

"Okay um wow, but if we are going to be roomies I guess we'll have to learn all about each other."
"Yeah I guess we will"
"But that will have to wait till later because I just spent 8 hours in the back of a cab and 9 hours on a bus before that and I would like a shower and some coffee."

You go to stand up but trip over your own feet and before you hit the ground Shannon had jumped up and caught you. Right as he stands you upright you feel a twinge in your knee and it goes out right from under you and you drop back onto your bed. Shannon steps towards you and says,

"Are you okay flamey?"

You're sitting there with tears running down your face and you're taking deep breathes and he leans down in front of you and says,

"I'm going to pick you up and take you downstairs, is that okay flamey?"

You shake your head yes and he places his arms under the back of you and one under your legs and he lifts you up in the air and makes his way downstairs and all you can do is hide your face in his neck and cry. The two of you get to the bottom of the stairs and he carries you over to the couch and sets you down and the women who you had talked to earlier comes in and sees you crying and Shannon looking very stressed and worried on the ottoman in front of you. She walks over and says,

"Shannon what did you do to her?"
"What makes you think I did something? She was going to get up off her bed and she tripped over her feet and fell forwards and after I caught her from falling on her face she went to stand back up and something twinged in knee and she fell back on her bed and started crying."

You look up at her and say,

"He's right, he didn't do anything. I'm a klutz and I had knee surgery only a month ago and I'm really not even supposed to be walking on it but my mother decided I needed rehab more than I needed to heel from knee surgery. I ended up fracturing my wrist because my mother was no help after my surgery and so I had to do everything and I had to call and uber because I ended up falling and had to go to the emergency room by myself."

They both sat there looking at you in disbelief and Shannon say,

"so let me get this straight; you had knee surgery a month ago, fractured your wrist two weeks ago?"
"yeah that's pretty much how it went"

He looks at you with sympathy laced in his eyes and you just shrug your shoulders. The women walks back in and hands you a few tablets and a glass of water. You put the tablets in your mouth and take swig of the water. You look down and then set the glass on the table and stand up and hobble your way to the backyard with your camera. You feel someone wrap an arm around and you look and see Shannon helping you out to the back yard. You start taking pictures photos of the back yard and of the flowers in the garden.

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