Mornings Are For Coffee And Contemplation

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It was a standard morning routine: coffee, breakfast and it would usually be shower before breakfast but you decided to spend the day doing a deep clean on your house. Your parents were out of town on a business trip and wouldn't be back for a couple months. You hopped out of your bed and stretch your body and walk over to your dresser and take out your black sports bra and gray shorts. You walk into your bathroom and change and walk back out. You look at the window across from yours in the house next door. The blinds are usually open, and from what you could tell it was a guys room, but today they were closed. You plug your phone up to the speaker that plays throughout the house and turn on your cleaning playlist. You start cleaning the upstairs, you go room by room. Your parents' room is strictly off limits and the door has been shut and locked since they left. You move onto the spare room to see the bed still messed up from when your best friend stayed over. You walk over to the bed and pull the sheets off the bed and take all the pillow cases off the pillows and throw them into a pile in the hallway. You move onto the next room which happens to be yours. You walk in and grab your basket that's sitting in the corner by your bathroom and pick up the couple of clothes that are sitting on your floor and you pull your sheets off your bed. You walk back into the hallway and grab the sheets off the floor and you make your way dancing down the stairs to your music. You set the basket down in the living room floor and you pull of the pillow cases from the pillows on the couch and you take the throw blankets off the couch and the chairs and toss them in the basket. You walk by and swoop up the basket and walk into the kitchen and get all the dirty towels and toss them in the basket and walk into the laundry room and start sorting everything and you put a load in the washer. You walk over to the hall closet and you get all of the cleaning supplies for the kitchen and bathrooms. You move everything onto the kitchen table and sort it by rooms. You grab the bathroom cleaner and start to head up stairs, as you reach the top of the stairs your phone rings. You answer it and say,

"Hey sweetheart, how is everything going? Is the house still standing?"
"Ha very funny father, but yes the house is still standing. I'm actually going through and doing a deep clean right now"
"That's good, well sweetheart I was just calling to check up on you and to let you know I put some more money in your account. Your mother and I are going to be gone a lot longer than we expected. So I want to make sure you've got everything you need."
"That's alright father, I understand that you and mother travel a lot for work. Well I'm going to get back to cleaning so I won't have to worry about it tomorrow."
"Okay sweetheart, I'll try and call you in a couple days"

You hang up the phone and make your way into the first bathroom upstairs. You start cleaning up the bathroom and you walk back down to the kitchen. You set your phone on the table and as you do you get a text from your best friend. You pick up your phone and the text says 'Get to pops now!' You let out a sigh and you walk up to your room and grab your black underarmour sneakers and put them on your feet and grab your windbreaker and put your keys, phone and your credit card in your pocket and zip it up and head out the front door after locking it. You pull your phone out and shoot your best friend a text telling her you're leaving now and you put your phone back in your pocket and zip the pocket so nothing falls out and you take of running towards pops.

You slow down your run into a slow jog as you see Pops coming up. You start walking up to Pops and your best friend sees you walking up and runs outside to meet you and says "what took you so long?" "Oh I'm sorry. Not everyone has a car like you, so some of us have to either run or walk places." "You ran here?" You adjust your pony tail and say "Well yeah, so what was so important that you needed me so fast?" "Look over by Jughead" You look over to the other side of the parking lot and you see a very attractive red headed boy standing by and talking to Jughead. You turn back to your best friend with wide eyes and you say "Who is that?" "I don't know but do you see how good jughead looks" "Seriously ___" "What" "I ran all the over here just for you to drool over Jughead like always" "No, I wanted you to see the hot guy who's with him." "Well I've seen him and now I'm going home to finish cleaning my house. I'll see you Monday at school" "Alright see you later"

You turn from your friend and start the run back to your house. You're almost to your house and you start to slow into a slow jog and when you see your house you start walking to cool down. You're walking up your sidewalk to your front door when you hear someone walk up behind you and you turn around to see an older gentleman standing there and you nearly jump out of your skin and he says "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you" You let out a laugh and reply "No it's okay" "I don't think I've properly introduced myself, I'm Fred Andrews" "Hi, I'm ___ ____" "I saw some moving vans early this week, where are you from" "We actually moved here from Australia" "Oh wow that's cool" "Yeah I guess, well I have some things I need to get done" "That's okay, if you ever need anything my son and I will be right next door" "Okay wait you have a son?" "Yes, he's about your age. You'll probably see him around" "Oh okay well thanks mate"

You turn around and walk into your house and close the door behind and you let out a sigh you take your jacket off and set it on the chair and then you pulled off your crop top and set it down as well. You walk into the kitchen and grab another cup off coffee and dance around to the music. You finish the coffee and set the cup down next to the keurig and you grab some of the cleaning products and you walk into the living room and start cleaning the entire room.

You start going from room to room doing a deep clean and you finally stop in your room and you look around and see that the blinds across from yours are open. You lean on your window seal and the next thing you see is the red-headed boy from the dinner. You're watching him pace around his room when he stops and pulls his shirt off and throws it across his room. You stand there starring at him and you see him start to turn around and you grab a wash clothe and the window spray and you pretend to be cleaning the window. He turns around all the way and he sees you and you give him a small smile and a wave and you walk away from the window. He gives a small smile back and you go back to cleaning the rest of the house.  You finally finish up with all of the laundry and got done putting all the sheets back on all the beds and pillows. With sweat beading across my forehead, i let out a tired sigh. So perhaps deciding to deep clean my house was a little more exhausting than I had bargained for.

hey yo everyone! I know this is hella long and I apologize but I have a bunch of ideas for more imagines so if you want an imagine about a specific person just let me know!

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