Sweet Creature

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You walk into the school building and you're greeted by none other than Steve Harrington and Nancy Wheeler. You bring your camera up and snap a photo of them and continue walking through that hallway snapping photos of different things you see. You walk by Tommy and he yells 'Freak!' You look down at your feet and quickly walk past him. You look back up and see the guy you've had a crush on since the fifth grade. You pull your camera up and snap a photo of him at his locker. You see him turn and a smile appear on his face and you snap a few more photos before you walk away and head to your first class.

You go from class to class and you're sitting in Chemistry when the door swings open and in walks the guy Billy and right behind him in walks Jonathan. You look around the class and see that the only seat that is available is the one right next you. The teacher sees him and points to the seat next to you. He walks over to the desk and sits down on the stool next to you. You look up at him and give him a small smile. He leans over and says,

"I better get to see those photos you took this morning"

You look up and gasp and your feel your cheeks heat up and turn bright red and you say,

"Oh shit, you saw that?"

"Yeah, but it's okay. I've got some that I want to show you as well, but I have to develop them first," He replies showing you the camera he has around his neck, "Maybe if you wanted to, we could go to the photo lab on our free period and develop our photos."

You give him a smile and right before you can answer the teacher says,

"Ms. Y/L/N, Mr. Byer! Is there something you want to share with the class?"

The class starts to laugh and you hear Jonathan say,

"No Mrs. Y/T/N"

You let out a small giggle and he looks down at you and gives you a smile and you both turn back to face the front of the class room. You start writing down the notes that are on the board. The bell finally rings and you start gathering up your things and as you stand up to walk out of the room you see Carol standing by the door handing out flyers to a party that she's having the coming up Friday. You take a flyer and before you can walk away you turn and ask for another one. You walk over to your locker and you turn and see Jonathan and you look at him and ask,

"Are you going to Carols party?"
"Nah, I don't usually go to party's"
"Oh come on Jonathan, I want to like at least one person there!"
"Okay okay, sure"

"Yay!' You exclaim as you wrap your arms around his neck. He hesitantly places his arms around your waist hugging you to him. You both let go of each other and you start walking to your next class. You walk into the class and you sit at your desk and you hear a voice next to you say,

"So you going to the party?"

You look up to see Steve Harrington looking at you. You nod your head with a small smile and he says,

"It looks like I'll see you there"
"Looks like"

You go throughout the rest of the week and it's finally Friday and you just got home from school and you see your mom sitting at the kitchen table. You walk over and give her a kiss on the cheek and walk over and get a cup of coffee. You turn and lean against the counter and say,

"I'm going to a party tonight"

She turns and looks at you and says,

"Oh really now?"

She just kind of shakes her head and you walk away and make your way upstairs. You walk into your bathroom and start to run a bath. Your soaking in the tub when your mom knocks on the door and says,

"There's a boy named Jonathan here to pick you up."

You shot up in the bath and you yell,

"Tell him i'll be down in a few minutes"
"Okay dear"

You jump up out of the bath and wrap a towel around your body and put two small French braids and put it in two buns at the end and do a black and red makeup. I run into my room and put on my black crop spaghetti strap tank, my leather wrap skirt, my fishnet thigh highs. I walk back into the bathroom and put my wolf necklace around my neck, camera around my neck and I put my chunky heels on. I run down the stairs and stop right short of running into Jonathan. You grab his hand and run out of the house to his moms car that he borrowed.

The two of you arrive at the party and you walk in and the first person who comes up to you is Steve Harrington and he says,

"Y/F/N you made it! I'd like to properly introduce to my girlfriend Nancy Wheeler. Nancy this is Y/F/N."

You give her a smile and you instinctively take a step back grabbing Jonathans hand holding it. You look at him and he gives you a small smile and you can feel Steve starring at you and he looks down at Jonathan and your intertwined hands. Nancy looks where he eyes were turned and she looks like her soul just got crushed. You move closer to Jonathans side and say,

"It was nice seeing you Steve and nice meeting you Nancy. We're going to go get a drink now"

You start to walk towards the kitchen with Jonathans hand still in yours and you grab a water out of the fridge and hand him one as well. You lean against the counter and he stands in front of you still holding your hand. You look down at your hands intertwined and he says,

"You know I never thought this would happen."

You look at him as he steps towards you and places his lips softly and hesitantly and you set your water down and let go of his hand and you wrap your arms around his neck and run one of your hands through his hair. He sets his water bottle down and places his hands on your waist leaning into you more.

You pull back a little and rest your forehead on his and a smile is etched on both of your faces. You look into his eyes and he lets out a chuckle and you say,

"You wanna go dance"

He looks out at the dance and starts to walk away only to stop and hold out his hand. You give him a big smile and you take his hand and you follow him to the middle of the giant group of sweaty teens and the two of you start dancing around like you're the only people in the world.

The house is slowly becoming more and more empty and you and Jonathan are sitting in the back yard next to Steve and Nancy. You're cuddled into Jonathan's side and Nancy is cuddled into Steve's. You look up at them after looking at your watch and you say,

"Hey the sun is about set and I have this huge field behind my house and it's perfect to watch the sunset over"

They all agree and you all go in separate cars back to your house. The four of you are laying on lawn chairs to watch the sunset across a field. It was decided that this was our sleeping spot and you curled under a blanket. You feel a little movement on the chair as he scoots closer to you. He positions himself in front of you. You can feel him coming close. Still pretending you were asleep he plants a short kiss on your nose. You open your eyes a little bit and see that he has closed his eyes while lying in front of you. You smile and cautiously look at him and kiss him back. You watch him and he opens his eyes, smiles at you, then shifts under the same blanket as you. You then fall asleep together.

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