The Bridge

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Sunday 11:30pm

It'd been a long day, dreary and highly troublesome.
I'm so tired. I just need to sleep, after dealing with my boss, and the stress she's been giving me. I just need sleep.
I can't keep my eyes open. I don't think I can stay awake any... longer...

Wake up, you must not let yourself sleep. Get up, GET UP!

I gently open my eyes.

I'm not sure what took me more aback

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I'm not sure what took me more aback. Was it the fact that I had no idea where I was, or even what my name was. Or the fact that the scenery it self gave off an eerie vibe.

I looked around a bit.
For some reason, I had been sleeping on a cobblestone path. Definitely a path less used. In between most of the stones were long strands of grass, and weeds. Though what gave it's age away the most, would be the crumbling rock. The color itself looked quiet gray.

Though now that I noticed it the grass itself started looking gray, as if it had been drained of color.
I pulled my eyes away from the cobblestone. I started looking at my surroundings.

Most of the scenery consisted of the deep foreboding forests that surrounded this path. Which also all seemed drained of life, everything was gray.
My gaze skimmed through all the trees, slowly analyzing each detail, but my eyes stopped abruptly on one particular tree. It was a rather long distance away, but it stood out from the rest. On it had been etched in a symbol.

From the distance I was at, it was by all means impossible to read, but easy enough to see from a distance. I got a chill down my spine. You see the tree itself, wasn't creepy. The fact that a bright red liquid oozed from the symbol is what seemed to bug me.

It was as if I was watching, this tree decay. I need to know what that symbol meant. I needed to see it up close with my own eyes.

I got up and faced the forest. I took a deep breath and began to walk a few feet. The cobblestone path, was bigger than I Thought. It took me several long strides just to get to the edge. I kinda chuckled nervously. I looked back, because the path didn't look as big as it was. I took a deep breath and set one foot in the gray grass.

Right before my foot touched it. I heard a deep groan. I stopped. I refused to breathe, or make a noise. Waiting... just waiting, contemplating on what I should do next. My legs started wobbling shaking steadily, then uncontrollably. By all means I am not physically fit, but I seemed more weary than usual.

I tried, I tried so hard to move back to keep from entering the grass. I didn't want to hear out again. I don't want to know what caused the sound I'd heard. What was it?!
As hard as I tried. It seemed I couldn't fight myself, I couldn't fight of the encumbered weary traits that seemed to coincide with me.
With a low thud, my foot hit the grass.
*crunch* the sound of the grass as my foot maliciously crushed into them. I looked up. All I heard was the sound of the grass that seemed to echo throughout the forest.

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