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Tuesday, 1:00 PM

Today my boss sent me home. She said I wasn't looking well. I resisted and tried to still get on the clock.

Though she found me... And had a few of my co-workers escort me out.

I honestly don't want to go home... at least not yet... I know what will happen. It's as if the atmosphere will change, and whimsically draw me to sleep. I looked at the analog watch on my wrist. A slight crack ran across its face, slightly obscuring the hands inside. What time is it.

I start to walk down the street. With a light sigh, and a light rub to my right
Eye. Begrudgingly I continued to walk down the street. My aim... was my car. Parked on the 13th story of our buildings parking garage.

I would've taken the elevator.. But apparently it was "under maintenance". So here I was, on the 11th floor. Slightly exhausted, legs numb, throat dry, eyes irritated, and only slightly overcome with dizziness....

I drudged along.

The 13th floor came into view. The slightly faded numbers, became my hope of a silver lining. I took a couple minutes to breath. I smiled and slicked my hair back.

Saying "It looked like I went down a water slide" might be a bit of a stretch, but  by my drenched clothing would say other wise. I looked back at the door. For a chance to get a breather, I decided take in the doors  appearance.

In my opinion Its looks made me a bit indecisive....

New, would have been an over statement. The hinges overcome with rust. The slight eerie light that flickered above it gave no better picture for its image.
I guess I'd have to say that what threw me off the most... was the number...
Why did I park on the 13th floor?
The number 13 could be associated in many ways as good or bad..
The longer I gazed at it the more dizzy I felt.

I shrugged and decided to push on the door. It's lock clicked as the hinges gave way to let me through. A crack began to show. I had a shiver run down my spine, as a long, heavy hiss called from beneath the door.... I stopped, and pulled away taking a step back. Slowly it slipped back into place, with a loud thud that echoed along the stairs.

I don't know why... But this door.. Caused great anxiety to arise within me... I.. I don't want to open it..

I stared at the door. It's ominous look slightly oppressing my urge to flee. Fear rose within me. Fear of the unknown, everything and anything that could lurk behind this door.... I watched and I couldn't believe it.

The door... The door was opening...

Its hinges gave out a shriek. Thick heavy fog slowly creeped through the cracks. I was mortified at the thought that it could be opening on its own. The wider the crack got, the more it seemed to age the surroundings...

Why was it opening...?

I lowered my gaze to the handle.
Attached to it...
Pulling it open...
Was my arm...
I was opening the door..

I had no time to react as I pushed the door open. A quick powerful burst of air pushed me down the stairs. My body fell like a rag doll bouncing falling each time only glimpsing the long narrow stairs that seemed unending. Each drop made my vision fade. Each lift off the ground rattled my brain.... Then nothing...

I groaned as I started to lift myself up. Who would've thought that falling down the stairs would hurt. My sarcastic mind set hindered my thoughts of anything else. I felt groggy. My body felt weak... I swayed back and forth just managing to hold on to the rusty railing. My slightly blurry vision, obscured the stairs.

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