Inseparable (part 1.5-ish)

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It was the next morning. Kyung didn't get home until 10:30 p.m. the night before, so he was knocked out from the constant studying.

The only way he woke up was to the loud banging on his window. He rose from his bed startled at the loud sounds. He begrudgingly got up to see what was making the noise. He rubbed his eyes before looking out the window.

What he saw was Jiho standing outside, throwing pebbles.
Kyung groaned and opened his window. While Jiho bent down to grab more pebbles, Kyung yelled at him.
"Yah! Don't you know what time it is?"
Jiho became startled from the sudden voice and dropped all the pebbles he was carrying. He looked up the see Kyung, whose pajama shirt was unbuttoned and hair was all messy.
Jiho smiled at Kyung.
"It's 10 o'clock actually. Just wanted to see if you were awake," Jiho yelled back.
"Well I'm awake now. And by the way, you could've texted me instead of trying to break my window. This isn't Romeo & Juliet," Kyung groaned again.
Jiho chuckled at his friend's annoyance.
"Well, I am a prince, aren't I?"
Kyung rolled his eyes.
"Ha ha, very funny. You're more like a jester than a prince."
Jiho just smirked at Kyung's snarky comment.

"Well anyways, do you wanna hang out before tonight?" Jiho yelled from afar.
"Yeah, hold on. I'll let you in."
Jiho saw Kyung close the window, indicating he was going to open his front door. He walked up to the front and waited a bit, where he heard the door unlocking from the other side. Kyung held open the door as Jiho took off his shoes. Jiho looked up as he untied his sneakers.
Kyung's hair was still a mess.
"Nice hair."
Kyung rakes his hand through his hair, feeling how tangled it is.
"Eh. I'll fix it before we go," Kyung stated as Jiho set his shoes on the shoe rack.

They started walking through the hallways. Jiho looks around. He doesn't really go into Kyung's house that often, as Kyung still prefers hanging out at Jiho's house (which he found strange, cuz there's nothing really special about his home). His mom was at work, and his younger siblings were gone this weekend, as they went to stay at their dad's place. Ever since Kyung's parents separated in freshman year, the younger kids stay either in their mom or dad's house for the week. Kyung just decided to stay at his mom's place.

They walk up into Kyung's room. Jiho is always astonished at how gigantic his room is compared to his own. Jiho set down his backpack to the side and sat on Kyung's bed. Kyung yawned while he walked up to his closet.
"Hold on, let me change into something."
He pulled out some jeans and and an orange hoodie. He lazily took off his pajama shirt.
Unknowingly, Jiho looked in Kyung's direction, only to see his bare backside. His face went red at the sight. It was weird cuz they usually saw each other shirtless in the locker room for soccer practice. He didn't blush at those times, but since they're alone together now, it was a different feeling.
'It's not like Kyung's a girl and shirtless, so why am I so..'

As Jiho became conflicted with his thoughts, Kyung looked over his shoulder and noticed he was blankly staring at him. Kyung looked down in embarrassment. The staring made him
uncomfortable and honestly kind of self -conscious.
"W-what? You like what you see or somethin?" Kyung asked, trying to make it less awkward.
Jiho snapped out of his thoughts and quickly looked away.
"Pfft. I was just lookin' to see if you had a good taste in style." Jiho said while rubbing the back of his neck.
Kyung put on the hoodie and zipped up his pants. He whipped around and reached out his hands towards Jiho's head, messing around with his hair.
"Yea, as if!" Kyung smirked, trying to cover up his embarrassment. Jiho smacked his hands off of his head in defiance, laughing as he did so.

"Oh, did you eat breakfast yet?" Kyung asked as he laid on the bed.
"Not really. As soon as I woke up I came straight here." Jiho said as he looked over to Kyung.
"Well come on, lets go make some."

The two boys went down stairs to the kitchen, where they decided to make some simple pancakes. Kyung mixed up the ingredients, and Jiho was in charge of cooking. Jiho looked at Kyung mixing the ingredients with curiosity.

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