Inseparable (part 3)

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Their footsteps were in perfect unison as they walked up to the nearest (and open) coffee shop.

They went in, told their order to the barista, paid, then sat down at the table facing the window.

Kyung looked around from where he sat. The coffee shop was small and cozy, dimly lit. The lights outside from the other buildings made up for the darkness that the night had brought them.

Kyung sighed from exhaustion and satisfaction.

"You were so awesome up there, dude. It was like...I was really at a concert or something.." Kyung said, looking at Jiho.
"Thanks. It felt like a concert up there too" Jiho chuckled.

"Two mocha cappuccinos!"

Jiho looked up from Kyung's gaze and went to grab the drinks. A few moments later he came back with two porcelain cups in small plates, both equally filled to the brim. Kyung grabbed his from Jiho's hands and took a sip.

'Still too hot.'

Kyung looked back at Jiho again, who was trying to take small sips of his drink. Kyung smiles lightly.

"How did it feel?" Kyung asked, resting his head in his hand.

"Were you nervous?"

Jiho looked off into the distance for a moment, staring at the lights outside.
"I wasn't really nervous, cuz the guy I went against was really drunk, so i didn't expect him to do well."
Kyung chuckled at the thought. "Yea, he slurred his words a lot!"
The two laughed on this for a while, repeating Ki-Seok's rap in a drunken tone.

"But, I really was anxious on messing up in front of everyone." Jiho admitted with a sigh.
Kyung started holding the cup in hands, rubbing his thumbs on the sides of it.

"It was all good in the end anyways. Even if you did mess up, no one would've noticed cuz your flow was so good."

Jiho looked back at Kyung, who held the same gaze.

"Thanks for cheering me on. That made me feel confident."
"Of course, dude. I'm like your number 1 fan, haha!"
Jiho gave a smile towards Kyung, clearly feeling like he's on top of the world.

Then Kyung noticed it again.
Was it his eyes? His smile? His hair? His laugh? His attitude?
He had no idea what it was.
But he started to see Jiho differently.
He didn't know how. But he began to feel somewhat starstruck (if that's what you'd call it) when he talked to Jiho.

"I swear, when did you get so...handsome?" Kyung questioned again, without realizing what he'd just said.
Jiho just looked at him wide-eyed, obviously taken aback.

'He always does that. It's kinda cute.' Kyung observed.

"What's up with you saying stuff like that, dude?" Jiho mumbled out finally, looking down at his cup in embarrassment. He hoped if he didn't look at him, he can steady his heart palpitations.

Kyung blurted out a chuckle.
"Your reactions are always so funny, dude!"
Kyung's laughter started to grow, and Jiho just rolled his eyes at him.
"Ya! If i just randomly called you handsome or something, you'd be flustered too!" Jiho defended.
Kyung just looked at him, trying to suppress his laughter.

"Y-Yea! As if!"

As the laughs died down, the atmosphere grew quiet and calm. Kyung took a sip of coffee, still giggling to himself.
'Finally, it's cooled down.'
He started rubbing the rim of the cup again.

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