Summer nights

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The two teenagers rummaged through the pantry, desperately trying to find food.

It was 10 p.m., and they spent the whole day playing at the local arcade and binge watching movies in Kyung's room. They focused so much on having fun that they forgot they needed to eat to survive.
They managed to scavenge some of the leftover junk food from the last time, but to be fairly honest, they were tired of chips and candy all the time.

"We've got some vegetables and stuff" Kyung said with his head in the fridge.

"That's cool and all, but are we just gonna eat it raw?" Jiho questioned.

"No you idiot, obviously we're gonna cook it" Kyung rolled his eyes.

"Um, who said 'we'?" Jiho said as he raised an eyebrow.

"Do you want to starve?" Kyung said, irritated.

"Fine, fine. But you do the cooking, I'll cut the vegetables." Jiho sighed, defeated.

"Ughhh, deal."

Jiho began preparing the vegetables and the other ingredients, with Kyung steadily looking over his shoulder. He started to chop the bok choy with a knife, which started to get closer and closer to his fingers.

"YAH! Can't you be more careful with that?" Kyung scolded in Jiho's ear.

"Calm down, I'm not gonna cut myself or nothin'."

"Well it sure looked like you were about to!"

Kyung grabbed the knife away from Jiho's hands and took his place.

"Just let me do the cutting, I don't want you to hurt yourself. You just cook the food instead."

Jiho shrugged.
"I guess cooking is easier anyways."

Jiho grabbed a pan from the cabinet and placed it on the stove. He turned on the burner and added some sesame oil to the pan.
'I guess I have to wait a little bit for the oil to heat up.'

While he waited, he waltzed over to Kyung, who was meticulously cutting the rest of the ingredients and putting them into a bowl.
He watched in awe, seeing how fast Kyung sliced his way through each vegetable.
He stood there for awhile, waiting for all of the food to be sliced and put into the bowl. Kyung looked up at him and smiled.

"See? This is how it's done!" Kyung said, obviously proud of his work.

"Wooooow. This proves you'd make the perfect housewife Kyung!" Jiho teased.

"Yea whatever! Just go cook these would ya." Kyung handed Jiho the bowl.

Jiho walked over to the stove.
'I guess the oil is pretty warm now.' He thought.

Jiho shrugged and threw all the ingredients into the pan, which immediately went up in flames.

He kinda thought this was cool and stood there for a while, watching the flames get bigger.
It wasn't until Kyung turned around that he noticed what was really going on.

"Dude! what the fuCK??" Kyung exclaimed both in surprise and confusion.

"Wha-?" Jiho said looking over his shoulder at Kyung, who was freaking out.

"Oh....oOOH SHIT!"

Jiho quickly turned off the burner and tried blowing out the flames, which didn't work.

Kyung rummaged through his cabinet and found a pan cover.
He quickly ran over and dropped the cover over the pan, which put out the flames.

The two sighed in relief.
Kyung put his hands on his knees in defeat, looking at Jiho, who looked equally weary.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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