Inseparable (part 2)

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The two boys were neck and neck.
They scurried over to the benches at the bus stop, both toppling into the seats.

Jiho sat and threw his head back in exhaustion, huffing.
Kyung just stood and hunched over, breathing heavily.

"S-sure.." Jiho replied, trying to regain his breath.

Kyung took the seat next to his friend. He looked around to see if anyone else was coming their way. He squinted into the distance and saw two silhouettes inching towards the bus stop. He hit Jiho's chest as a warning, earning a grunt from the latter.

As they met up with Minhyuk and Yukwon, the bus came moments later, and the group of 4 boarded.

The bus ride there was casual, as the boys chattered about what they wanted to buy, how they were excited to go to a club for the first time.

The bus stopped in front of a busy street, meaning they arrived at the shopping district.
They all got off and started exploring, some accidentally being separated and being found eventually.

Minhyuk found some bomber jackets that looked cool, and called the others to go look at them.

All the boys huddled around the clothing rack in awe, amazed at how amazing the jackets were (and how expensive they were).

"Man, I wish I could afford this" Minhyuk groaned in disappointment.

"Don't you have a job?" Yukwon joked, although he admits he can't afford it either.

"Yea, part-time at a convenience store that pays little to nothin" he retorted.

"I can pay for it, if you want" Kyung stated as he looked at Minhyuk. He pulled out his debit card to show that he's probably able to pay for it.

"No way! I know you're rich and whatever, but I can't ask for you to do that!" Minhyuk said in disbelief.

"It's all good, honestly. Let's just say you deserve cuz you work hard, alright?"

He began to take the jacket off the rack and gave it to Minhyuk to hold. Minhyuk was reluctant, but he hesitantly took it into his hands.

"Woah, t-thanks a lot!"

Yukwon and Jiho looked on in shock, but soon just brushed it off.

"I swear, Kyung is too nice for his own good."
Jiho said as he put a hand on Kyung's shoulder.

"That's why all the girls love him so much, he's too generous." Yukwon smiled slyly, putting his hands in his pockets.

Minhyuk leaned over into Jiho's ear and somewhat whispered.

"That's probably why Eun-bi likes him so much, haha."

Jiho smile alters a little.

"I heard that you know." Kyung said as he started walking towards the cash register. He pointed out the jacket in Minhyuk's hands to the employee. He gave her his card and started to pay.

Yukwon, Minhyuk, and Jiho huddled around each other in the back of Kyung and started talking amongst each other.

"I heard that she's gonna confess to him on the last day of exam week!" Yukwon gossiped with a hand over his face, as if his words were blocked out from Kyung's ears.

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