chapter 2 - creep

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i know you care about me, but i also know that you don't care enough. 

After dinner, which Mara had to admit was less than great, Mara apparated back to the rowhouse with Bellatrix, Ginerva, Bram, and Ginerva's husband Alastair. Both Ginerva and Alastair seemed a bit too excited about the fact that they had the favorite new Death Eater staying at their house, but Bram obviously didn't share in their approval. First, Mara humiliated him in a duel, then she showed no sign of pain when she received the Dark Mark, and finally she was chosen to kill the blood traitor and did it without remorse.

As soon as they entered the musty house, Alastair and Bram disappeared, leaving the three witches in the parlor alone.

"The Dark Lord has confided in us about your task, Mara, and he wants us to inform you about your new situation," Bellatrix drawls, opting to stand before the fireplace rather than sit like Mara and Ginerva.

"Yes. Dumbledore is not only the headmaster of Hogwarts, but he is highly... respected by the wizarding community. He is called the most powerful wizard of our time. And he needs to be out of the way if we are going to win this impending war," Ginerva said before snapping her fingers for tea, which appeared a few seconds later, brought in by a house elf. Bellatrix helped herself first, but Mara refused her offered cup.

"Yes, but our dear Dumbledore is growing old," Bellatrix stops to feign a pout before striding over to stroke Mara's cheek with a long black nail- a habit that Mara was beginning to resent. "So now is the best time to be rid of him."

"And the Dark Lord believes that you, my son, and Bellatrix's nephew are the best candidates. Of course, it is always best to get the job done quickly, but the three of you will need to find time to discuss the best method," Ginerva adds.

"Miss Grimsbane, your job as the Dark Lord's new favorite is to get on everyone's good side- become the golden girl of Hogwarts. And do whatever you need to achieve that status. Most importantly, make friends with Dumbledore, get him to trust you. Then, when the three of you feel the time is right, finish the job," Bellatrix says, ending with a loud cackle, her face framed evilly by a greenish halo of dark curls. She seemed almost jealous of Mara's success with Voldemort- but was doing a great job of hiding it.

"Now, Mara, I don't believe we need to remind you again of the importance that you complete the task the Dark Lord has given you. You will be tortured, and killed, along with us and your family. And we will not allow ourselves- us, loyal Death Eaters- to be shamed in such a way," Ginerva says, both Death Eaters fixing Mara with a steely glare. All traces of pride were gone, and now Mara was forced to prove her loyalty once again.

"As long as this mark is on my skin, I will complete whatever task I must," Mara says, pulling up her sleeve as the mark pulses beneath her tanned skin.

Her reply seemed to satisfy the witches, and they both nodded slowly. After Bellatrix and Ginerva explained to Mara how Voldemort came to power and the importance of the destruction of Harry Potter, Mara was excused to go to bed.

She paused on the stairs and listened quietly to the rest of their conversation, using a quick charm to make sure she wouldn't be detected.

"...'Nerva, I hope you know how big of a risk you are taking... how can we trust her? She may seem like a clever little witch now, and she has bonded herself to the Dark Lord..." Bellatrix hissed, not doing much to lower her voice.

"Bellatrix, if the Dark Lord has entrusted her with his second-most important task-" Ginerva's voice was cut off as the sitting room's doors slammed shut.

One of the two witches had decided to close the doors to keep out intruders like Mara.

Suddenly, Bram thundered down the stairs causing Mara to jump in surprise and guiltily turn around, pretending that she was just going up the stairs. He paused on the step below Mara and looked up at her darkly.

"I hope you know what you've gotten yourself into, little Mara Grimsbane from America," he growled, frowning angrily before spinning back around and apparating on the spot. 

okay, chapter 2! for this chapter, listen to make daddy proud by blackbear. it's actually my favorite song lol. i'm just too lazy to search for it on youtube and everything. 

vote and comment ;) 


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