chapter 10 - keep me

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there's a radiant darkness upon us

Time had absolutely flown by since invitations for the ball had gone out,
and it was finally nearing the end of October. Mara had been forced to go dress shopping with the rest of the sixth year Slytherin girls, and had bought a rather racy dress that everyone agreed suited her perfectly- and hid her dark mark.

    Ron hadn't been able to leave her side, which was really quite annoying, and the two were unofficially officially dating. Hermione didn't seem to happy about this, but Mara was afraid there wouldn't be any chance for her to break up with him any time soon-- at least not before the ball.

    Draco had, unsurprisingly, asked Daphne to the ball, leaving Bram with a choice of Pansy or Millicent-- he had yet to make a decision, but either choice would be dreadful. Harry was pining after Ginny and Hermione after some unknown boy, and they had reluctantly decided to go together as friends. And Mara was deeply regretting her acceptance of Ron.

Gryffindor's quidditch match against Hufflepuff was taking place, and Ron had finally left her alone. His charm had worn off, and Mara was sadistically hoping that he would take a nasty bludger to the head.

She was in the library, of course, finishing up a rather lengthy translation for her Ancient Runes class. She was finally alone in the library for the first time in a very long time. The Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors and, surprisingly, almost all of the Ravenclaws and Slytherins had left to watch the match, as it was probably the last warm, sunny day for a few months. The only other person in the library with her was Bram, and he had probably left. He had been obviously avoiding her for some time, probably a few weeks, and Mara wasn't quite sure why. They had never been friendly, exactly, but whenever Mara appeared he either seemed to vanish or to be engaged in conversation with someone else.

She packed up her belongings with the intent of heading down to the dungeons to grab some more books from the office when suddenly a mass of people rushed by, led by a few professors holding up a boy with shockingly red hair. And they were heading to the infirmary.

Mara sighed heavily and followed the crowd, knowing that she should be a dutiful girlfriend and visit her date to the Halloween ball in the hospital. Perhaps he had, in fact, been hit so firmly that he wouldn't be fit for the ball the next weekend! Mara could only hope.

She put on a worried expression as she rushed into the hospital wing, parted the crowd of rowdy Gryffindors, and stopped next to Professor McGonagall at Ron's bedside.

"Oh Professor, what happened to him?" Mara asked, anxiously kneeling and gripping Ron's hand with both of hers.

"He took quite a nasty bludger to the head and fell off of his broom. There was nothing anyone could do to help him, my dear. It appears that he will be alright, but he'll need to rest for quite a while," She replied, smiling fondly down at her favorite student.

"But, Professor, you can't mean that he won't be able to go to the ball, do you?" Mara asked, trying desperately to mask her hopefulness.

"I'm afraid not, Miss Grimsbane. Ronald Weasley will be lucky to wake up in the next day or so, but he certainly won't be fit for dancing anytime soon," McGonagall said with a characteristic grimace.

Mara did her best to look put-off while McGonagall shooed the students from the infirmary, following closely behind them.

"Wait, Professor! Does Gryffindor have any chance of winning, after all this?" Mara called. She was, after all, the Slytherin quidditch captain and, in her opinion, every loss for Gryffindor was a win for Slytherin.

"I'm afraid not, dear. The match's been called and we've lost," the professor replied before sweeping out of the room.

Mara quickly let go of Ron's hand and pulled over a chair. She should get comfortable if she was to be a dutiful girlfriend and be by his bedside when he woke up.

so this chapter may be small

and it may be bad

but at least it's still a chapter

lol pls kill me

also mara's dress:

also mara's dress:

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 05, 2017 ⏰

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