chapter 9 - read my mind

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you ask someone about love

and they tell you about heartbreak.

The next weeks passed quickly. Classes were running smoothly, although almost all of Mara's courses were NEWT level. It was extremely tiring to be so likeable all of the time, waking up early to do her hair and makeup perfectly and dealing with the constant rowdiness of the Gryffindors that she was forced to be friends with. 

Mara had managed to weasel her way into a companionship with Hermione Granger, and along with the bushy-brown-haired girl inevitably came Ron Weasley and Harry Potter. The two had grown closer over a "passion" for their Ancient Runes class and a mutual dislike of Cormac McLaggen. Mara had broken up with him after a month of dating, because although he was extremely attractive, he was even more boring than Neville Longbottom, a dimwitted Gryffindor that shared her Herbology class. Hermione, along with most of the Hogwarts students, believed that McLaggen had cheated on her, which was not the case, but Mara received their pity as an innocent victim, and she couldn't bring herself to pass up the good attention.

Potter was exceedingly difficult to win over, especially because Mara was in Slytherin and friends with Malfoy and Pearce. He rarely talked to her even when Ron and Hermione were around.

The Slytherin quidditch team was coming along nicely. It was quite built up, though heavily dependent on well-seasoned older players, and Mara had been recently busy on weekends training some younger students to fill their roles in the coming years. As to why, because she couldn't bring herself to consider a future at Hogwarts, Mara wasn't sure. Malfoy was having some trouble answering to her as captain, but otherwise, the team was fitting together nicely. They had won their first match against Hufflepuff (which was expected) and were preparing for their next against Ravenclaw coming in two weeks at the end of October.

Meanwhile, Malfoy had been formulating some sort of plot to get rid of Dumbledore without the use of the vanishing cabinet, and Mara had decided to let him have his fun. It would be almost impossible to curse, poison, or otherwise harm the ancient but extremely quick-witted headmaster, though Mara admired Malfoy's resilience.

She was currently seated at her favorite table in the library, the one with the best view of the grounds. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon in mid-October, and the leaves of the Forbidden Forest were happily changing to reds, oranges, and yellows against the dark, cloudy sky.

It was, in fact, Mara's first afternoon alone in the library for a while (she was often joined by Hermione, and recently even more often by Ron Weasley, and whenever they weren't around, Pearce seemed to be following at her heels). She had finished all of her assignments and was doing some pleasure reading from one of the novels she had discovered in the office in the dungeons that she, Malfoy, and Pearce had established as their headquarters.

Suddenly, the doors to the library opened and the Head Boy, a Ravenclaw, burst into the quiet, sparsely-inhabited room.

"Professor Dumbledore has requested that I hand out these invitations to all students in fourth year and above. Due to the late notice, he requests that if there were any mix-ups or questions that you talk to your heads of house immediately," he said before tossing the letters into the air where they dispersed themselves to the few students occupying the dimly-lit library.

There was a quiet rumble of confusion and excitement-- nothing interesting aside from the ordinary magical mishaps ever seemed to happen at Hogwarts. There was a great shuffle as all of the older students hurried to open their letters.

Mara inspected the thick parchment curiously. It was folded and sealed with the Hogwarts emblem, and her name was scrawled on the back in green ink. As she opened the letter, she noticed gold engraving of autumn leaves and pumpkins intertwined on a vine that wound its way along the border.

You are cordially invited to a ball in celebration of All Hallow's Eve on the night of the thirty-first of October, beginning after the sun has set in the Great Hall. It is required that you are accompanied by another student for this magical tradition.

. . .

That night at dinner, the Great Hall was abuzz with excitement. Even the Slytherins, who were usually more calm and collected than the other houses, were whispering and planning excitedly. Mara was hunched over a book, as usual, with Bram on her right and Daphne on her left. Draco, of course, was nowhere to be seen.

Suddenly, gasps arose from the Slytherin and Gryffindor tables and Mara was forced to look around in confusion. Then, she saw Ron Weasley striding over to her table with a bunch of roses. As soon as she realized that he was, indeed, intent on giving them to her, she attempted to make a speedy escape, but Daphne caught her sleeve.

Of course. Ron Weasley was going to ask Mara to the ball. Gasps of confusion and a collective "ahhh" arose from the Great Hall. Even the staff table had gone somewhat quiet.

"Ron! What do you think you're doing? Get. Up!" Mara hissed as he got down on one knee, holding the roses out to her.

"Mara Grimsbane, will you go to the ball with me?" He asked. Everyone started whooping, and before she could really answer, Ron grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the hall.

Mara had a few seconds to think. Of course, she must go to the ball with him. He was a Gryffindor, well-liked, and not necessarily bad looking either. They were friends. She would say yes.

Ron grabbed her hands, entwined them with hers, and pushed her up against one of the pillars. "Mara, I think it's been pretty obvious that I like you for some time now. Will you go to the ball with me?"

Mara smiled sweetly and nodded, "Of course I will, Ron."

lol i been busy. so i met this guy. who lives like an hour away from me. and we've been talking for like two weeks. and he seems like a good kid, idk. i wonder why we're still talking like all the time, lol. pls kill me!! 

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