'show your talent' Wednesday

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Aoko pov

I wake up.I saw Kaito was still sleeping and hugging his rabbit stuff toy.he looks kawaii.I was about to wake him up but he still sleeping.so I decided to go to bathroom and change my clothes into comfortable one.after I changed I go to kitchen smelling a good food.

"Ohayo Aoko-Chan,"

Chikage say

"Ohayo aunty chikage.where's uncle Toichi?"

I ask

"Well he go to his performance.where's Kaito?"

"He's in the bedroom still sleeping,"


Then suddenly the door open.

"Ohayo okaasan,ohayo Aoko,"

"Ohayo Kaito,"

We-i mean aunty chikage and i both say.

"Our breakfast will prepared after 5 minutes.while waiting you may play,"


We both say

"Let's play Aoko,"


We go outside and play.when we got tired Kaito ask.

"What is your talent?"

"Well I'm not pretty good a dancing but I can sing!"

"Can you sing please ?"


Then I sing.readers if you want to know what I sing there's a lyrics of it.just try to think what it is.

I can see was he was surprised.

"Is my voice was bad?"

I say.he shook his head and shout.

"Sugoi!!! Aoko that song w-"

Then suddenly i.
I kiss his
Cheek.don't be malicious.he blush and I say.

"Arigato gouzaimasu,"

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