Its War

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Myuna's POV

Today I will start with my plan. I will approached Kai & be friends with him. I will approached him during recess.

Luhan's POV

Today I would like to talk with Myuna. I think about it the whole day yesterday & decide to make the first move. I dont want what happened to Leez to happen again.

Myuna's POV

Its recess time. I pack my things. Then, Luhan approached me.

"Hi, Myuna. Im Luhan."

I smile at him (not a sincere smile), "Hi, Luhan. Nice to meet u."

We shake hands.

"Nice to meet u too! I hope we can be friends."


Then, Kai come to the classroom. Today is my lucky day!

"Hyung, palli! Im hungry!" he whined.

I look at him & pretend to look confused.

"What are u doing here?" I ask.

"Oh, hi Myuna. I just go with Luhan hyung to the cafeteria."

I nod, "I think we meet at the wrong time when the first time we met. So lets start again, Im Kim Myuna."

He smirk, "Im Kai."

We shake our hands & smile at each other. I look at his eyes. I know he been drown in my eyes. He sure likes me. I keep myself to form a smirk.


We stop smiling at each other. Luhan is looking at us with unreadable eyes. "Kai, lets go."

Luhan's POV

I was okay when they introduces themselves.

But I hate it when they look at each other like that.

Its not like I dont exist in the room. They look like it just the two of them. So I grab their attention & drag Kai to the cafeteria.

Does Kai like her too?

Or he just playful like usual?

I have to ask Kai about this.

After the recess...

I grab Kai to the emergency stairs & asked him, "Kai, do u like Myuna?"

"Yes, very."

"Is she just one of the dolls u play? If yes, please dont. I like her."

"Hyung, I love her with all my heart."

I narrowed my eyes at him, "Is this a competition?"

He smirk, "Yes hyung. Its war."

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