The Discover

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Dina's POV

Its Monday. Time for school. I get ready to go school. I look at my face in the mirror. My left cheek is not red anymore & my right leg is not hurt. Im so lucky that the injuries had recovered. If not, Ha Ra & Angel will notice it. I will also try to forget the bullying & continue my life.

Today is a normal & happy day. The lessons are okay & understandable. I also talk to D.O during Maths. During recess, I eat with Myuna & Angel. Ha Ra also join us. But Ha Ra said she have to talk to Myuna personally so they left in a while. So I just eat with Angel.

When they're back, we chat & eat happily.

"Dina, why are u so happy today?" Angel asks.

"It just a good day to go to school today.."

"Really? No other reason?" Myuna asks playfully.

I just smile.

"So, theres another reason?" Angel asks.

"Ummm.... I have a secret to tell u all.."

"What is it?" Angel asks, as the three of them have their attention on me.

"I....I like D.O..." I said, blushing madly.

"What?!" Angel said.

I look at the other two. They just smile at me. I know Myuna know about it but why Ha Ra didnt show any shock reaction?

"Its about time u admit it. I know u like him," Ha Ra said, reading my thoughts.

"Hey, why didnt u tell me when u know about it?" Angel said as she smack Ha Ra's shoulder.

"Ouch!" Ha Ra exclaim but she just shrugs.

"U, dont tell me u know about it too!" Angel said as she points at Myuna.

Myuna just smirk.

"Traitor! My friends are all traitor~" Angel said. I pat her & she pouted. We all laugh.

"Ok, so whats with it?" Ha Ra asks when we stop laughing.

"Well, Ive been sending him small notes in his locker every morning-"

"Wait, so thats why u always come to class just in time before bell rings?" Angel asks.

I nod, "Its been a year I send the small notes & now he starts to find the one who write the notes..."

"So, hes finding u?" Myuna said.

I nod & they all said happy things to me.

"How do u know about D.O finding u?" Ha Ra asks.

"Well, we talked a bit during lunch on Friday & he mention about it that day."

"I cant wait for D.O to found u!" Ha Ra said, smiling until her dimples showing.

"Yeah, me too." I said.


I still searching for my secret admirer. Now it just two girls left. I just hope its one of them.

During recess, I look for Bae Da In. Shes still in her class. So I approached her.

"Hi, are u Bae Da In?"

"Yes, oppa. How can I help u?"

I look at her. Shes one of the fanatic EXO's fangirls in the school, "I just want to ask u a question."

"Go ahead."

"Are u the secret admirer that always put small notes in my locker?"

She nods slowly.

I was shock. I thought she say no. I feel so happy that I found my secret admirer. Woah, not so fast. What if shes lying?

"Ok, if u are my secret admirer, complete this sentence..

I will always supports u even if..."

"...even if u dont know me..." she smiles at me.

She completes the sentence correctly.

I cant believe it. I finally found my secret admirer.

Da In's POV

Hello, Im Bae Da In. Im one of EXO's fans & my favourite member is Tao. Hes so cute & handsome on the same time!

When D.O asks me about me being his secret admirer, I just nod. I know about him searching for his secret admirer. I heard about it when he talks to Lay.

When he said to complete the sentence, I just complete it. I know the answer cuz Im smart & observant. Its because:

1. Its coincedence.

2.I had read the sentence in a book.

3. Isnt secret admirer is suppose to be SECRET? So they will always support their crush secretly. And maybe the crush didnt even know them.

I just want use the oppurtunity to get close to EXO & Tao.

High School Story (EXO) [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now