September 11

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Tomorrow would have been our 11 month anniversary. Crazy.
I really should stop thinking about you. It's not going to do me any good. But I'll say this. Dump him. I can't believe you lowered your standard so much. He's a hick and a redneck, not to mention a homophobic trump supporter. What the hell man?
And for Christ's sake, he probably in wants to put his dick in you! The last thing I want is for you to end up pregnant at 17 and ruin you whole life.

I'm so pissed off that you think he's as good as me. I'm pissed off at everything right now, that's pretty much all I feel right now. It's like I have hot coals in my belly and the heat is spreading out from there. I want to fucking throttle that little hick for even thinking about you.
I wish I had never even opened my mouth that night, I should have just shut my trap. You always said I could tell you what I was feeling but the one time I did, you broke up with me! That's fucking rich.

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